Graduate School of Human Interaction and Growth

PhD Courses and Seminars

GHIG is a supplement to the elective part of the PhD program at the Faculty of Psychology, and aims to offer 15 ECT in scientific perspectives, research methods and dissemination through courses, seminars and workshops and social activities.

Main content


DateCourse and SeminarsLecturersLocation
10.-11. & 13.-14. Feburary

Critical perspectives on theory and methodology in psychology (2 ECTs)


Artur Nilsson

C12, room 005 (10.-11. & 14.feb)

Alrek, 3F9 Hardbakka (13.feb)

6., 9., 13., & 16. May

Quantitative methods (2 ECTs)


Sebastian JentschkeC12, room 002
Sessions once a month

ReproducibiliTea journal club (1 ECT)


Bjørn Sætrevik and Sebastian Brun BjørkheimC-12 and Teams
23. May (TBC)18th Annual seminar & midterm evaluationBente WoldAlrek, Edda


DateCourse and SeminarsLecturersLocation
27 Janurary - 4 February

Standing on the shoulders of giants (2 ECTs)


GHIG satff members

Invited guests: Karl Halvor Teigen


25 JanuraryPhd seminar series "How to build an academic CV"Cecilie NordbottenAlrek, Tarlebø (2F15)
19 – 23 Feburary

Qualitative methods for PhD: Advanced level (5 ECTs)


Lill Susann Haugen and Olin Blaalid OldeideAlrek
22 FeburaryPhd seminar series "How to write a dissertation"Rune KrumsvikC-12
Sessions once a month

ReproducibiliTea journal club (1 ECT)


Bjørn Sætrevik and Sebastian Brun BjørkheimC-12 and Teams
18-22 March

An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using LAVAAN (2 ECTs)


Kyrre Breivik


Tarlebø (man, tue, thur, fri)

Hemil møterom (wednesday)

21 MarchPhd seminar series "Supervising students as a PhD-candidate"Olin Blaalid OldeideAlrek, Hardbakka (3F9)

8-9 April & 6-7 May

Advancing the Social Sciences: Adressing Challenges and Enhancing Research Integrity


Sara Jahnke


Tarlebø (day 1 & 3), Borgaskaret (day 2 & 4)

25 AprilPhd seminar series "Phd presentations"Øystein Holmelid & TBDC12
23 MayPhd seminar series "open" Alrek, Tarlebø (2F15)

31 May

17th Annual seminar & midterm evaluation

Bente Wold

Alrek, Edda

6 JunePhd seminar series "open" & Social gathering after Alrek, Hemil møterom (2F4)


DateCourse and SeminarsLecturersLocation
7 - 8 February

Creative Research and Academic Writing (1.5 ECTs)


Arnold Bakker


7. Feb room 005

8. Feb room 002

23 MarchPhD seminar series "Mobility in research"  
17 – 21 April

Qualitative methods for PhD: Advanced level (5 ECTs)


Marguerite DanielAlrek
Sessions once a month

ReproducibiliTea journal club (1 ECT)


Bjørn SætrevikC-12 and Zoom
1 June

16th Annual seminar & midterm evaluation

Bente WoldAlrek, Munin
5 OctoberPhd seminar series "Participation in research"

Nawar Sayyad & 

Howida F. Abdulrahman

23 -25 October

Understanding and dealing with job burnout


Arnold Bakker

Day 1: U.Phil Room 2A

Day 2-3: C-12 Room 007

23 NovemberPhD seminar series "How to handle media in research"Mari Lund EideC-12

20, 24, 30 November & 4 December

Quantitative methods (2ECTs)


Sebastian Jentschke


Room 001


DateCourse and SeminarsLecturersLocation
22-29 January

Truth in research and science (2 ECTs)


GHIG satff members

Invited guests: Rainer Bromme and Arnold Bakker

11, 14, 17, 20 January

Quantitative methods (2ECTs)


Sebastian Jentschke


Room 005

Sessions once a moth 


Colloquium course on salutogenesis and resilience. (2 ECTs)


20 January: Colloquium 1 Introduction and comparison of the two theories

7 February: Colloquium 2 Introduction to Salutogenesis and GRRs .

16 March: Colloquium 3 Salutogenesis: SOC and its three dimensions

28 April: Colloquium 4 Salutogenesis: New developments beyond health.  

18 August: Colloquium 5 Resilience: Introduction to resilience at individual level

15 Sept.: Colloquium 6 Resilience: Social ecology of resilience

13 October: Colloquium 7 Resilience: Resilience: new developments

17 Nov.: Colloquium 8 Reflections on resilience and on salutogenesis.

Marguerite DanielALREK
7- 8 June

Positive Occupational Health Psychology (1ECT)


Arnold BakkerTBA
Sessions once a month

ReproducibiliTea journal club (1 ECT)


Bjørn SætrevikC-12 and Zoom


DateCourse and SeminarsLecturersLocation
31 May- 4 June

Qualitative methods for PhD: Advanced level (5 ECTs)


Marguerite DanielALREK
22-26 November

Introduksjon til Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) ved bruk av LAVAAN (2 ECTs)


Kyrre BreivikALREK
Sessions once a month

ReproducibiliTea journal club (1 ECT)


Bjørn SætrevikC-12 and Zoom


Date Course and SeminarsLecturers Location
19-26 January

PhD and staff seminar: "Academic Freedom: It's facets and consequenses for researchers, lecturers and PhD students" 


Bente Wold, Gisela Böhm, Rüdiger Pfister, Oddrun Samdal, Rainer Broome

13 MarchPhD seminar seriesTerje MangerC-12 room 005 12:00-13:30
15 MarchStaff seminar for faculty membersOlga Dysthe, Ståle Pallesen, Keneth Hugdahl, Kariane WestrheimEgget, Studentsenteret
4 AprilPhD seminar seriesBjørn SætrevikC-12 room 005 12:00-13:30
9 MayPhD seminar seriesMari Hysing & Ove HeradstveitC-12 room 005 12:00-13:30
9 May, 6 June & 4 Sept.PhD course: Salutogenesis beyond health. (1ECT)Marguerite Daniel, Maurice Mittelmark

Day 1: C-13, HEMIL-meeting room 13:00-15:00

Day 2: C-13, Board room 13:00-15

Day 3: C-13, HEMIL-meeting room 13:00-15:00

24 May

Annual seminar and midterm evaluation

TBAC-13, 5th floor
12, 13, 14 JunePhD course: "Quantitative diary designs and multilevel analysis". (1 ECT)Jørn HetlandC-12, room 005
31 October-1 Nov.Research Fellow Seminar  Solstrand
15 NovemberMidterm evaluation Fall semester C-13, 5th floor



Course and Seminars                            



January 31 and February 1

2-day seminar for PhD candidates and staff members:

Disaster risk reduction: Building adaptive capabilities by transcending culture.


Dr Petra T Buergelt

School of Psychological and Clinical Sciences at Charles Darwin University.

C-12, seminar room 001

March 1

GHIG Board Meeting


Board Room C-13

March 12-14

Elective PhD course

Quantitative Methods – Experimental Design and Analysis (1ECT)


Vebjørn Ekroll

Sebastian Jentschke

Bjørn Sætrevik

Day 1: C-12 room 003

Day 2: C-12 room 004

Day 3: C-12 room 002

March 21-23

Elective PhD course

Quantitative Methods – Survey Methodology (1ECT)


Gisela Böhm

Rune Mentzoni

Torbjørn Torsheim

Endre Tvinnereim

Day 1: C-12 room 003

Day 2: C-12 room 004

Day 3: C-12 room 001

April 12

Staff seminar


Board Room C-13

June 1

13th Annual seminar (for PhD candidates and staff members)

Mid-term evaluation (Spring semester)

Social gathering after the seminar


Board Room C-13

June 11-15

Elective PhD course

Qualitative methods for PhD: Advanced level (5 ECTs)


Marguerite Daniel

C-13 room 204

September 24-25-26

Elective PhD course

Quantitative Methods – Multivariate Design and Analysis (1ECT)


Sigurd Hystad

Tony Leino

Guy Notelærs

Day 1: C-12 room 006

Day 2: C-12 room 006

Day 3: C-12 room 006

October 1, 5, 15 & 22

Elective PhD course

Podcasting for Social Scientists (1ECT)


Paul Kellner


1 Oct 14.00-16.30

5 Oct 14.00-16.00

15 Oct 14.00-16.00

22 Oct 14.00-16.30

October 15

GHIG Board Meeting

 Board Room C-13

November 2

Mid-term evaluation (Fall semester) 10:00- 13:00 Board Room C-13
November 2Staff seminar 16:00-18:00 Board Room C-13




Courses and Seminars

Lecturerscourse leader location

January 21-28


PhD course and staff seminar: GHIG931

Knowledge translation and exchange: Improving the impact of research through design, funding, implementation and dissemination of research

2 ECTs

Oddrun Samdal, Bente Wold, Ingrid Holsen, Laurence MooreBente WoldParque Cristobal
March 10Staff seminar Jørn HetlandBoard Room C-13

April 3-5



PhD course: GHIG930

Resource-based approaches to health

2 ECTs

Marguerite Daniel and Maurice MittelmarkMarguerite DanielC-13 room 276-1
June 16

12th GHIG Annual seminar (for all PhD candidates and staff members)

Mid-term evaluation

 Jørn HetlandBoard Room C-13
October 2-6

PhD course: Socio-ecological approaches to behaviour change: theory, design and evaluation of interventions.

GHIG913-A (attendance)/ GHIG913-B (paper)

1,5 or 3 ECTs

Laurence MooreLaurence MooreTBA
October 6Staff seminar Bente Wold 
November 13-17

PhD course: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).


Kyrre BreivikKyrre BreivikTBA



Courses and Seminars

Lecturerscourse leader location

March 11


Staff seminar

 Bente WoldBoard room C-13

March 10-15



PhD course:Design, management, conduct and reporting of empirical research studies.

Course description

Laurence MooreLaurence MooreTo be announced

June 2-3


PhD course: Salutogenesis

Marguerite Daniel

Marguerite DanielTo be announced

June 10


GHIG's 10th annual seminar and 10 year anniversary conference.

  Bente WoldEgget

September 8

Mid-term evaluation of Phd candidates Bente WoldBoard room C-13

October 4-7

PhD course: Interdisciplinary perspectives on modifiable social influences on behaviour.

GHIG929A Course description (attendance)

GHIG929B Course description (attendance + paper)

Laurence MooreLaurence MooreTo be announced

November 13

 Staff seminar

  Bente Wold Board room C-13




Courses and Seminars

Lecturerscourse leader location

January 24-31

5th GHIG PhD and staff seminar at Grand Canary: "The many faces of academia- changing expectations for researchers".

 Wolfgang Stroebe, David Nicholas and Laurence MooreBente Wold, Gisela Böhm and Daniel HanssParque Cristobal




PhD course: Social Networks and Social Capital (Perspective Course).

Laurence MooreLaurence MooreTo be announced

May 29

GHIG's 10th annual seminar and mid-term evaluation


October 19-23

PhD course: Socio-ecological approaches to behaviour change: theory, design and evaluation of interventions. Course code GHIG913A-B

Course description

Laurence MooreLaurence MooreTo be announced

November 9-13

PhD course: Advanced Qualitative Methods

Course description

Marguerite DanielMarguerite Daniel

09:00-16:00 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Room 204

Tuesday Hemil-meeting room

November 13

 Staff seminar




Ghig seminars are held every month or 3-4 times per semester.


                   Date  Workshops Courses and Seminars Lecturers  Course LeaderLocation Time 

10-21 March

Course: GHIG923 A, B and C

Quantitative Methods

Course Overview


Gisela Bohm (UiB)  
10 - 12 MarchCourse: GHIG923-A

Survey Construction and Measurement 

(1 ECT )

Course description


Gisela Bohm (UiB), Thorbjørn Torsheim (UiB), Ann Bostrom (Uni of Washington, USA).

Gisela Bohm (UiB)



C-13, room 278-2-3


C-13, room 276-2-3


C-13, room 278-2-3


13 - 17 MarchCourse: GHIG923-B 

Experimental Design and Analysis

(1 ECT )

Course description

Bjørn Sætrevik (UiB)

Finn Jellestad (UiB)

Gisela Bohm (UiB)

13th  -

BC room 215


BC room 132

17th -

C-13, room 276-2-3


10:00 -16:00




19 - 21 MarchCourse: GHIG923-C 

Multivariate methods for PhD students

(1 ECT )

Course description


Åge Diseth (UiB)

Nora Wiium (UiB)

Gisela Bohm (UiB)

19th -

C-13 room 278-2-3

20 - 21st 

C-13, room 276-2-3

10:00 -16:00



 Board Room

Chris.gt 13

24 April - 8 MayCourse: Design and conduct of research (Faculty's obligatory course) PS901




21 - 23 May


Workshop: GHIG924A

Theory of planned Behaviour (TPB) Meets Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Course description.


Prof. Dr. Icek Ajzen

Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt


Bente Wold (UiB)

Gisela Bohm (UiB)


Christiesgt. 13
21 - 23 May 

Rom: C13: 204


09:00 - 17:00
 6 Juni

9th Annual seminar/ Mid-term evaluation

 Bente Wold



30 -31 October

PhD seminar at Solstrand (Obligatory) PS902

 Bente Wold


Solstrand Hotel 





Location and time

19-29.01Gran Canaria: Elective course. "Creativity in research: generating creative ideas, working in creative teams and creative writting". Lectures by Prof. Emeritus Karl Halvor Teigen, Prof. Olga Dysthe, Prof. Gro M. Sandal, Hege H. Bye and Prof. Laurence Moore (for GHIG members only). Registration to Maria Luttges MathieuParque Cristobal, Gran Canaria.

Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "Writing the synopsis for the dissertation (Kappen)", by Professor Rune Krumsvik.

C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00
15.03Supervision seminarBoard room 16:00
18-22.03PhD course "Evaluation research: from competing paradigms to mixed methods", by Prof. Laurence Moore (3ECTs). Course descriptionC-13, 2nd floor, Monday-Tuesday-Wed. and Friday room 276/2-3, Thursday room 276/1, 10:00-16:00
04.04Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "General introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-analyses)". The topic will be addressed by Associate Prof. Torbjørn Torsheim.C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00
13.06Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "Presenting with Prezi", by Bjørn Sætrevik.C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00
14.06GHIG 8th Annual SeminarC-13, Board room 10:00

Phd course "Qualitative methods for PhD: Advanced level course", by Marguerite Daniel assisted by Karen Marie Moland and Nils Gunnar Songsatd. (8ECTs). Course description


Regular seminar. The topic for this seminar will be popular scientific work. During the seminar we will address the guidelines for the popular scientific work, as well as different alternative outlets for it, such as writing a feature article, writing a Wikipedia article, etc. Presentations by Mats Glambek, Helga Urke and May Hauken.

 C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00

PhD course "Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) ved bruk av LAVAAN" by Kyrre Breivik, Uni Helse in cooperation with GHIG. Course information. (in Norwegian)

Register here

Uni Helse, Krinkelkroken 1, 3. floor, teaching room 2.

Discussions and guidance with GHIG students/researchers on design/analysis issues and research methods by Laurence Moore.

C-13, 5th floor.




Location and time

07.02Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "How to make brilliant and pedagogic presentations, using power point, key note and multi-media", by Børge Sivertsen  .C-12, room 446 10:00-12:00


PhD course "The assests approach to health". Course co-ordinators: Maurice Mittelmark and Marguerite Daniel (1ECT). Course description

room 276-2/3 09:00-15:00

09.03Supervision seminarC-13 Board room 16:00
12-16.03PhD course "Socio-ecological approaches to behaviour change: theory, design and evaluation of interventions", by Prof. Laurence Moore (3ECTs). Course descriptionC-13, Mon., Tues., Wed. and Friday room 207. Thursday room 276-2/3. 09:00-15:30
17.04Regular seminar: "Measurement of psychological constructs", by Torbjørn Torsheim.C-12, room 446 10:00-12:00
15.05Regular seminar: "Employing social cognition models to develop actions preventing HIV/AIDS among youth in sub-Saharan Africa. Discussions on "The Reasoned Action Approach" and illustrations of structural equation modeling and "Sobel's approximate test", by Leif Edvard Aarø.C-12, room 446 10:00-11:00

7th annual GHIG-seminar

C-13 Board room. 09:00
04.10Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "PhD-student's role as supervisor", by Marguerite Daniel.C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00
09.11Supervision seminar: "Leading an international project on a 105-day confinement study in which a multinational crew(N=6) simulated a Mars mission" by Gro M. Sandal.C-13 Board room 16:00
14-16.11PhD course "Questioning global hegemonic thinking: new approaches in gender, generation and health". Course co-ordinators: Marguerite Daniel, Haldis Haukanes, Torill Bull (2ECTs). Course description.C-13, Wed. and Thursday room 276/1. Friday room 276-2/3. 09:00-15:30
22.11Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is "Moderators and mediators in quantitative research". The topic will be addressed by Jørn Hetland, associate professor at the department of psychosocial science. C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00
20.12Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is "How to get published".The topic will be addressed by Professor Maurice Mittelmark.C-12, room 446 11:00-13:00




Location and time


Gran Canaria: Elective course:The many faces of leadership and followership, and their applicability in the academic arena. By Stig Berge-Matthiesen,  Anders Skogstad and Bente Wold (for GHIG-members only) . Registration to Wenche Marthinussen



Elective course offered by GHIG and Uni Health: "Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS". By Kyrre Breivik. Registration to Maria Luttges

C-13 room 204
08.03Regular Seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "How to present research in the media", by Gro Malnes Øvrebø. The Division of Communication at UiB will then give us some tips about what's good to be aware of when presenting research in media (e.g. the press release and the popular scientific work).C-12 room 315 11:30-13:00
11.03Supervison seminarC-13  Board room. 16:00
13.04Regular Seminar.The topic of the seminar is:"How to prepare and write the "kappe"", by Professor Oddrun Samdal.C-12 room 446 09:30-11:30

6th annual GHIG-seminar

C-13 Board room. 10:00
07.06Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "How to publish in scientific papers", by Arnstein Mykletun, Professor II.C-12 room 446 10:00-12:00
20.09Regular seminar. The topic of the seminar is: "What is good teaching?", by Professor Arild Raaheim, Head of the Higher Education Research Unit, Faculty of Psychology.C-12 room 446 10:00-12:00
20-21.10Annual PhD seminar at Solstrand HotelSolstrand
11.10Supervision seminarC-13 Board room 16:00

Regular seminar. Fellow researcher Simon Øverland will present the article "Associations between schools' tobacco restrictions and adolescents' use of tobacco".

C-12 room 446 10:00-12:00
21, 22, 23.11CDP course "Linear mixed models", by Torbjørn Torsheim (open to GHIG members) 
05-16.12PhD course "Introduction to Qualitative methods, interview and analysis", by Torill Larsen, Ingrid Holsen and Hege Tjomsland. Course description (the course will be given in Norwegian). Registration to Maria Luttges C-13 room 503 10:00-15:00