The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research

The doctoral courses offered by the host institution UiB

The Western Norway Graduate School of Educational Research (WNGER II) offers a range of doctoral courses.

Main content

Below you will find a variety of doctoral courses offered by the graduate school WNGER II:

1. Forskningsetikk (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

2. Evidensbasert praksis og profesjonsutøving - kritiske perspektiv (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

3. Introduction to Mixed Method Research (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

4. Academic writing: Writing the synopsis in a doctoral thesis (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

5. Academic writing: How to write scientific articles within educational research (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

6. The use of theory within educational research (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

7. Introduction to literature review on PhD-level (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

8. Qualitative Case Study Research (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

9. Analyses, ethics and reflexivity in Qualitative Research (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

10. Inclusion and diversity. Fundamental questions to be asked at Ph.D.-level (1 eller 2 studiepoeng)

11. Introduction to Meta-analysis (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

12. Kvalitativ metasyntese (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

13. Introduction to systematic review on PhD-level (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

14. Qualitative Research: An introduction (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

15. Critical and Practice-Oriented Research (1 eller 2 studiepoeng)

16. Educational Leadership in the Face of Global Threats (1 eller 2 studiepoeng)

17. Contested Identities in Displacement: Dilemmas for Global Refugee Education (1 eller 2 studiepoeng)

18. Forske blant små barn - spørsmål om agentskap og subjektivitet (1 studiepoeng)

19. Governance and policy in education: Analytical approaches and frameworks (1 eller 3 studiepoeng)

20. Doctoral Supervision program - Veilderkurs for PhD-veiledere i WNGER II (2 ECTS)