Division of Student and Academic Affairs

Study Quality

The Study Quality function area has the administrative responsibility for maintaining and developing the quality assurance system.

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The Study Quality function area has the administrative responsibility for maintaining and developing the quality assurance system, in close cooperation with the faculties and university administration. The function area cooperates on a continual basis with NOKUT and the secretariat tasks for the Education Council and the Learning Environment Committee.

Study Quality shall;

  • actively participate to ensure that the measures in the strategy plan pertaining to the educational programmes are followed up by the various departments of the university.
  • have the administrative responsibility for UiB’s quality assurance system for the educational programmes
  • Coordinate and implement the Programme for evaluation and quality development at the university.
  • actively participate to enhance the quality of the services aimed at students; in this connection, the Student Barometer satisfaction survey is conducted.
  • serve as secretariat for the University’s Education Council, The Council for First-semester Studies, the Learning Environment Committee and the Study Supervisor Forum.
  • participate in national and international working groups, through the UHR and COIMBRA network, as well as in the university’s work linked with the Bologna process.


Read the full Plan of Action: