Technologies are Us: Feminist Perspectives on Posthuman Futures
A three day intensive course on feminist thinking about technological development.

Main content
Given the uncertain coronavirus situation in 2020, it was decided to run this course online, but it was also available offline for those who were able to attend in person.
Feminist Thinking about Technological Development
What are the consequences of current technological development for feminist thinking about equality, freedom and change? Are algorithms gendered, and does it matter? What does sex and subjectivity mean in the age of neuro-technologies and AI? Are we at all still "human"? Is there a specific ethics of the posthuman?
These are some of the questions that will be scrutinized during the three-days course in September 2020. The theme of the course are divided into the following topics:
- The Biased Face of Technology
- Ethics and the Posthuman
- Bodies and Brains
If you are working with these or related questions, or are simply interested to learn more, join us for a PhD course in Bergen.
Course Organizers
The course is organized by Nordic Centre of Excellence on Women in Technology Driven Careers (NORDWIT), and Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the organisers if you have any questions:
- Kari Jegerstedt at
- Hilde G. Corneliussen:
- Gabriele Griffin:
- Redi Koobak: