The anti-gender politics and new autocrats: Attacks and resistances in Latin America
The lecture is open to everyone and is part of "Sex and politics in a global perspective", a combined seminar series, PhD and master course organised by SKOK, LawTransform and SkeivForsk.

Main content
In spring 2025, SKOK, LawTransform and Skeivforsk organize a cross-disciplinary combined seminar series, PhD and master course about the dynamics between sex and politics in a global perspective. Read more about the course here.
On 1 April, Lívia Buzolin (Getúlio Vargas Foundation) will hold the fifth lecture: The anti-gender politics and new autocrats: Attacks and resistances in Latin America.
The lecture takes place at Bergen Global.
Everyone is welcome!
Overview of spring 2025 lectures
The following lectures are open for both course participants and the public. All lectures are held at Bergen Global from 14:15-16:00 on the following dates (changes may occur):
18 February: Siri Gloppen (UiB): The glocalization of (anti-)queer politics and queer lawfare in an African context
27 February (NB: 14.00-15.30): Neil Datta and Yndira Coelho Soares: Transnational anti-gender movements and the impact on human rights and democracy
4 March: Randi Gressgård (UiB): Instrumentalisation of LGBT politics across European East/West divides
18 March: Matthew Gichohi (CMI): The political promise of sexual modernity and state violence
1 April: Lívia Buzolin (Getúlio Vargas Foundation): The anti-gender politics and new autocrats: Attacks and resistances in Latin America
22 April: Kari Jegerstedt (UiB): Trans misogyny
6 May: Panel conversation on Trump and the anti-gender movement