Course of study

Structure of Earth Science and Informatics, Bachelor's, 3 years

Bachelor's Programme in Earth Science and Informatics (krav 180 SP)
Obligatoriske emner (krav 20 SP)
Choose minimum one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
MAT101Elementary Calculus I101–61
MAT111Calculus I101–61
Choose one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-MNEKSExamen Philosophicum103–63
EXPHIL-MNSEMExamen Philosophicum103–63
Spesialisering i geofag og informatikk (krav 110 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
GEOV101Introduction to Geology101–61
GEOV102Excursions and Practicals in Geology101–62
GEOV181Introduction to Earth Science and Informatics101–61
GEOV205Geographical Information Systems: Theory and Practice101–63
GEOV281Field Geomatics101–65
GEOV316Practical Skills in Remote Sensing and Spatial analysis101–64
INF100Introduction to programming101–62
INF161Introduction to Data Science101–63
INFO284Machine Learning101–64
MAT121Linear Algebra101–62
Choose one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
GEO217Hydrology, Ground Water and Geohazards101–65
INF101Advanced programming101–65
Valgfrie emner (krav 50 SP)
Velg fritt emner som til sammen utgjør 50 studiepoeng
Student exchange (krav 30 SP)
Elective course
Study abroad
Study abroad
SP = ECTS credits, S = Semester, R = Recommended semester