Study abroad
Facilitated exchange agreements for Economics, Master's, 5 years
Åbo Akademi University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
Lappeenranta University of Technology and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
Tampere University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverk i økonomi)
University of Jyväskylä and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
University of Oulu and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
University of Vaasa and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
Aix-Marseille University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
CY Cergy Paris University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Paris University Nanterre and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Caen Normandy and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Lille and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Dresden University of Technology and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Free University of Berlin and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Humboldt University Berlin and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Freiburg and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Heidelberg and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Kiel and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Mannheim and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
University of Potsdam and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+)
Örebro University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
Jönköping University and Department of Economics (NORDPLUS - NOREK-nettverk )
Linköping University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
Stockholm University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverk i økonomi)
Umeå University and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverket i økonomi)
University of Gothenburg and Department of Economics (ERASMUS+ - NOREK-nettverk i økonomi)
United Kingdom