
Russian, Master's, 2 years

Russian is a world language with 140 million native speakers, both inside and outside Russia. We need knowledge about Russia, both in periods of cooperation with Russia and in periods with less contact. The Master’s programme in Russian gives you tools to understand the longer lines in Russian history and deeper perspectives on today’s current issues.
  • TuitionNone
  • Years2 Years
  • Intake5
  • Grade requirementsMinimum C
  • Language
  • ECTS120
  • StartAutumn

Main content

Velkommen til studiestart på masterprogrammet i russisk på Det humanistiske fakultet!

Frammøte: Programmøtet er 15.august kl.10.15-11.00 på HF-bygget, rom 216.

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What do you learn? 

You will get to work historically with the development of language, literature and culture. We look at the connection between culture, language, society and politics, and compare Russian conditions with other countries. An example of an in-depth subject can be “Culture and politics in today's Russia” or “Russia and the West in the perspective of the history of ideas”. 

The Russian course will increase your practical language skills and theoretical knowledge, train your ability for critical reflection, and provide basic research training that will enable you to present and discuss academic issues. 

After completing the Master’s programme, you will have: 

  • Deeper insight into the Russian language, culture and society 

  • A critical, reflective and analytical attitude to sources, theories, interpretations and methods within the study’s subject area 

  • An ability to participate in academic discussions and take part in the public debate when this concerns the subject area 

Student life 

On this Master’s programme, you will be part of a small and committed group of Master’s students. You will have good contact with the lecturers, who integrate their research work into teaching and guidance. 

The Master’s programme offers teaching in the form of lectures and seminar groups. In addition, there will be practice in spoken Russian, group work, written and oral presentations, and other tasks. 

As you work on the Master’s thesis, you can write about a topic of your choice within linguistics, literary studies or cultural studies. Many Master’s thesis topics provide for own field studies. Fieldwork is usually carried out in the third semester and can last from one to four months.  

As a student with us, you will have most of your teaching at Nygårdshøyden in the centre of Bergen. You have access to fixed reading room space, a library, colloquium room, fitness centre, canteen, café and student bar on campus. At UiB you will also find many different student organisations. Being part of a student organisation is a valuable investment of time as a student and it gives you many experiences and friends for life. 

What can you work as? 

The Master’s programme in Russian provides practical and theoretical language knowledge that is central to professions within diplomacy, education, administration, cultural cooperation, journalism and international organisational life. With a Master’s degree in Russian, you will be able to teach Russian at a higher level. 

Other career paths can, for example, be work within: 

  • Publishing company 

  • Media 

  • Diplomacy 

  • Human rights work 

  • Cultural dissemination 

  • International organisational life 

  • Public administration 

  • Translation, interpretation 

  • Norwegian defence 

  • Business life 

Admission requirements and application deadline 

Follow these links to find the general entry requirements and guidelines on how to apply:

You will also have to meet the programme specific entry requirements.

All applicants with citizenship from outside EU/EEA must pay tuition fees.

Study structure 

The study is structured as follows: 

Semester 1 

  • The Russian language - History and Structure (15 ECTS) 

  • Text and Written Russian (15 ECTS) 

Semester 2

  • Special course in Russian language, literature or cultural studies (15 ECTS) 
  • Optional subject (15 ECTS) 

Semesters 3 and 4

  • Master’s thesis in Russian Studies (60 ECTS) 


We would very much like you to take part in the programme as an exchange student in another country. An exchange stay gives you valuable cultural experience, linguistic training, new professional insights and experiences for life.  

Further study opportunities 

The study can form the basis for postgraduate training in Russian linguistics, literary studies or cultural studies leading to a doctoral degree (PhD). 

Questions about the course? 

Telephone: +47 55 58 93 70 

E-mail: studierettleiar@hf.uib.no 

Study plan 
