Faculty of Social Sciences

Ulrike Pihls house

At Ulrike Pihls house you will find study halls, seminar rooms, meeting areas and lecture rooms for the students at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Fasaden til huset Ulrike Pihls hus. Gulmalt med blåhimmel i bakgrunnen. Invitasjon med hvitebokstaver står øverst på den blå himmelen.
Janne F Lønne, UiB

Main content

    Ulrike Pihls house (U.Pihl) is the official student house for the Faculty of Social Sciences; it's a "home" on campus for our students.

    Study halls

    The study halls at U.Pihl are located on the first, second and third floor. In addition to quiet study halls, all seminar rooms are also student workspaces when they are not booked. Seminar room 3C is a quiet reading room outside booking times, here you can use the computers.

    Each room has a set of rules. You will find the rules on the walls of each room and at the end of this page. In case of loud noise at the study halls, contact the host.

    The student organizations at our faculty can reserve Ulrikes Aula and Aktiv 2 by registering their booking in this form. Remember to check whether the room is available before you submit the form. 

    Ytringsrommet and Handlingsrommet

    These two rooms are both open and airy and can be used for studying, group work, discussions and relaxation during a hectic day of studies. The rooms are located on the third and fourth floor, and there are no particular noise restrictions here. Theese two rooms can be reserved for events. For more information and reservations use this form. 

    Use of the student house  

    The building has several modern educational spaces that can be used for many types of teaching; they are equipped with canvases, whiteboards and screens. Is the seminar room not booked? If the room is available, you can use it as a workspace, group room or colloquium room. You do not need a reservation to use it. To see which rooms are available, see the info screens or the room list. Note: 

    • Furniture should not leave the educational spaces 

    • Put tables and chairs back to their original configuration   

    • Eating is prohibited in the flexible educational spaces  

    Technical issues? Contact the IT department at 55 58 91 87. Problems/questions or deficiencies in the building? Huskontakt.upihl@uib.no 

    The student bar 

    On the first floor you will find Diskuterbar which is the student cafe for our faculty. Diskuterbar is run by more than 80 student volunteers that colaborate to create a good social environment for all students. The bar has its own entrance at street level after 16:00. Note that consuming alcohol is prohibited in the building, with the exception of Diskuterbar.  

    Rules for the study halls

    To ensure a good experience at our student house there are some rules that apply:

    • The rooms are a quiet zone  
    • Electronics should be muted
    • No talking in the room  
    • No eating in the rooms, use Diskuterbar, Ytringsrommet or Handlingsrommet for this. You can also use the Sammen Cafè in the SV-Building 
    • If you leave for more than 1 hour, you are obligated to clean out the desk so that other students can use it. All personal belongings should be removed within closing time.  
    • Alcohol is prohibited in the building, with the exception of Diskuterbar.  

    Questions, feedback or lost items? Get in touch with the U.Pihl contact on the third floor, or at the email: huskontakt.upihl@uib.no.  

    Use of the storage lockers  

    The lockers can only be used and reserved by students at the faculty of social sciences:

    • To reserve a locker, please use the application by scanning the QR-code placed by the lockers. If there is no lock placed on the locker, it means that it is open for reservation.
    • The lockers must be emptied on the 15th of June and the 15th of December each year.
    • The faculty will cut your lock if the rules aren’t followed. You’ll find your belongings at the Housecontact-office if we cut your lock.

    Use of the resting

    Put up a note which states the date, and time for when you are done with the room. You can use the room for a maximum of one hour at a time. Make sure the room is in good condition for the next person. Make sure to leave the door open when you leave.