Faculty of Social Sciences

RCN FRIPRO Proposal Workshop

Are you planning to apply for a FRIPRO or thematic research project call from the Research Council of Norway? Then we invite you to our final NFR workshop for spring 2025, a proposal workshop.

Lauritz Melters hus
Welcome to workshop at Lauritz Melters hus, seminar room 904

Main content

In collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences has developed an NFR program for researchers considering, or planning to apply for a FRIPRO or thematic research project call from the Research Council of Norway (NFR). The goal of this program is to assist you in the application development so that the application can be completed and submitted by autumn 2025.

This is the final workshop of the program for the spring. Everyone is welcome, even if you have not attended the previous workshops. Participation requires that you have a draft of an almost fully developped application. The workshop consists of group work,  where participants provide feedback on each other’s application drafts. Everyone will receive an application to read in advance. 

The deadline for submitting your draft is May 12th. Drafts should be sent to: Dragana.Bielicki@uib.noSubmission of the draft within the deadline is considered as a registration for the workshop. After the submission, the applications will be distributed among the participants. Each participant will have primary responsibility for one application but is encouraged to read several. The workshop will function as a mock panel, where everyone gives a brief introductory presentation about their project in the group.