Faculty of Social Sciences
Academic Morning Coffee

Women in the labor market

A conversation with professor Rita Ginja.

Main content

The motherhood penalty is well-documented, but what happens at the other end of the reproductive spectrum? Menopause—a transition often marked by debilitating physical and psychological symptoms—also entails substantial costs, but much less is known about it.

Rita Ginja has worked on understanding how labor market policies such as parental leave policies affect couples’ decisions and firms hiring, but also how health insurance provision affects occupational decisions within couples. She has also influential work understanding the impacts of early childhood interventions, anti-poverty policies and the role of quality in public service delivery (ie, doctors and social workers).


Every Wednesday, the faceulty of social sciences invites employees and students to interesting talks in the Social Sciences Building.  Academic Morning Coffee is an informal arena where on of the researchers at the faculty is invited to present their work in conversation with the dean and the audience. We can promise you a good start to your day with a cup of hot coffee or tea, academic updates and discussions. Academic Morning Coffee is the perfect oportunity to familiarize yourself with the research being conducted at the faculty, and to spark conversations across different departments.


Coffee is served at 09:00, and the conversation begins 09:15.

This week's event is in English.

Read more about Academic Morning Coffee and see upcoming events here.