Additional studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences
When you have completed a degree, you lose your right to study the Faculty of Social Sciences. If you would like to continue studying, you can apply for an additional studies admission for up to two semesters.
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What is an additional studies admission?
After a completed bachelor's, master’s or PhD degree, you can apply for up to one year of additional studies admission. An additional studies admission secures the right to enroll in individual courses until the next general admission through The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (Samordna opptak). An additional studies admission is therefore given for two semesters if you apply for the autumn semester, and for one semester if you apply for the spring semester. Students who receive admission will not be tied to an individual education plan, but select their courses freely (assuming that there are free places in the courses).
Apply via Søknadsweb. Select the admission called «poststudenter» and then the Faculty. Søknadsweb opens for applications for additional studies admission one month before the deadline.
Applications received after deadline will not be considered for admission.
The results of the admission are published on Søknadsweb within one week after the application deadline. You will be informed via email when the admission is completed.
Further Studies
If you want to continue studying at the University of Bergen after the additional studies admission has run out, you must reapply through The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (Samordna opptak). You will not be qualified for an internal transfer to a bachelor programme or one-year unit, or to practical-pedagogical education (PPU) via Søknadsweb at the University of Bergen.