RCN-millions awarded to TVEPS
Centre for Interprofessional Workplace Learning receives 12 RCN-millions for research. – This will enable us to perform valuable research and raise knowledge in this field, says Ane Johannessen, head of TVEPS.

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With the research project «A circular educational framework to help solve healthcare challenges: interprofessional education and collaborative practice for the future» (IP-future) Ane Johannessen and team will launch a workplace-based IPE model with mutual benefits for all stakeholders involved: students, healthcare personnel, patients and educational institutions.
– There is a great need for more knowledge about the outcomes and impacts of interprofessional collaborative learning. This is the starting point for IP-future. The project is designed to contribute to a shift in interprofessional collaborative learning, by linking research, education and professional practice.
Collaborating for the future
Ane Johannessen, professor at Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, is head of TVEPS since 2017. TVEPS is an established collaboration between the University of Bergen (UiB), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) with the municipalities of Bergen and Øygarden as participating partners. TVEPS gives students the opportunity to practice interprofessional collaboration in real-life work situations. The goal is to prepare students for interprofessional collaboration in their future.
Johannessen and deputy head, Merethe Hustoft, believes that interprofessional collaborative learning is necessary to solve some of the major challenges facing the health services:
– With a dramatically increasing shortage of health personnel, reduced resources and a demographic change in the population, the world is facing major challenges in providing effective, high-quality health and social services to everyone. Interprofessional education and collaborative practice can solve these challenges through integrated and more effective services, says Hustoft.
– I believe that this project will help build a circular education with mutual benefits for all stakeholders, where students contribute to solving complex needs for users while they learn, Johannessen agrees.
The IP-future project will received over €1 million (12 million NOK) in funding from the Research Council of Norway, underscoring the importance and impact of this work. The project’s mission is to build a better, more inclusive, and sustainable future through education, research, and interprofessional collaboration.
Large international dimension
The IP-future project will receive over €1 million (12 million NOK) in funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN), underscoring the importance and impact of this work. The project’s mission is to build a better, more inclusive, and sustainable future through education, research, and interprofessional collaboration.
The award from NRC is crucial for TVEPS, which has been a centre since 2012.
– For us, it means a lot to finally be allowed to research what we do, and to be able to raise knowledge in this field, says Johannesen. Hustoft adds:
– In this project we will collaborate with international partners from around the world, and this gives us a unique position and opportunity to conduct research that will benefit academia and society at large for many years to come.
In addition to the collaborating partners, IP-future also includes a large international advisory board. Johannessen emphasises this as an important feature of IP-future:
– The international advisory board is larger both in numbers and geography than what is usual in research projects of this type, including state-of-the-art experts within the field. The network emanating from our collaboration with the advisory board will propel innovative thinking beyond the IP-future period and represents a structural novelty that can be pursued by future projects.