Police and Prosecution Law


The sub-projects all have a strong focus on the police and prosecuting authority’s fundamental tasks in relation to due process and civil security, in areas where, because of changes in recent years in role understanding/expectations and other developments and legal trends, these agencies are now subject to new requirements and face new challenges that have yet to be legally clarified.

The Police and Prosecution Law project consists of four sub-projects that all have an ‘agency perspective’ and therefore pursue new paths in relation to the traditional judicial perspective that has dominated research on the police and prosecuting authority.
Monica Roos

Main content

Project 1. ‘The role of the police in crises and war’

The project is led by dr.philos. Ragnar Auglend.

The project examines legal questions relating to the organisation and activities of the public search and rescue service, the relationship between the police and the Armed Forces in connection with terrorism and national crisis situations, and the legal position and tasks of the police in war and during an occupation.

Head of a sub-project is Associate Professor Knut Einar Skodvin.

In the case of large-scale terrorist attacks, hybrid situations and major cyber-attacks, the situation will often be unclear, at least in the initial phase. The sub-project investigates the legal framework for the division of competence and duty to act between the police and the Armed Forces in such unclear situations.


Project 4. ‘Information collection, information sharing and cooperation on combating crime’

Efficient processing of information (including collection, storage and sharing) and cooperation between the police, the prosecuting authority and other public control and supervisory agencies is of great importance to the discovery and investigation of crimes. The research topic highlights several legal questions. The legal authority for interdisciplinary cooperation and the roles and responsibilities of the different agencies need to be clarified. The rules concerning confidentiality, and exceptions from these rules pursuant to the Police Register Act, and other public agencies’ duty of confidentiality constitute the most important legal framework. The rules are formulated somewhat differently, and, in certain contexts, there may be intended or unintended legal obstacles to sharing information. In relation to cooperation, the purpose of sharing information is often decisive for what can be shared. This applies to information sharing both by and with the police.

The project will have a broad legal science perspective on the rules for cooperation and information sharing, particularly in cases where the police and the prosecuting authority participate in permanent or temporary interdisciplinary collaborations.

A research fellowship under this sub-project will be advertised.