Police and Prosecution Law

Publications police and prosecution law

The project has a portfolio of publications.

Main content


For an updated list of publications, see the Norwegian web-site.

A selection of Monographs:

John Reidar Nilsen: Konstitusjonelle skranker for politiets polisiære virksomhetsutøvelse. Med særlig vekt på menneskerettighetene og legalitetsprinsippet. [Constitutional limitations for exercise of police authority, with particular emphasis on human rights and the principle of legality] Ph.d. thesis. University in Bergen 31. october 2020 (651 pages).

Arild Aaserød: Kystvaktens politi- og påtalemyndighet [Police and Prosecutorial Authority of The Norwegian Coast Gard]  Gyldendal 2018* 

Arils Aaserød: Rettslige problemstillinger i redningstjenesten [Legal Issues regarding the Norwegian Rescue Services] Gyldendal 2018*
*Senior advisor Arils Aaserød publications are a result of his period as a guest researcher at the project in 2017.

Ragnar L. Auglend: Politiet i krig og ved okkupasjon [The Police in times of War and Occupation] Gyldendal 2018 (132 pages)

Kjelby, Gert Johan. Påtalerett, [Prosecution Law] Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 2d Edition 2019 (464 pages.)
Prosecution law refers to the area of the law that comprises legal principles and statutory and non-statutory legal rules of particular importance to the public prosecuting authority’s role and tasks in criminal proceedings. Kjelby’s presentation in this book focuses on fundamental principles and the main rules for the prosecuting authority’s organisation, competence, role and function in the criminal law system. The book also includes a discussion of a selection of the concrete procedural rules that apply to the prosecuting authority’s activities and the different prosecution decisions.

Auglend, Ragnar L. Auglend/Henry J. Mæland, Politirett [Police Law] 3d Edition. Gyldendal Juridisk 2016 (1519 pages)
An account is given of the legal rules concerning the organisation of the Norwegian police service, the objectives and tasks of the police, police officers’ rights, duties and protection, the rules governing when and how the police can intervene, the police’s duty to assist other public authorities, the police’s duties in road traffic cases and immigration control, the police’s ‘purely’ administrative tasks, such as acting as passport authority, issuing weapons permits etc., the rules concerning control of the police, and agreements and rules governing international police cooperation.

Some Articles and Chapters:
Ragnar L. Auglend/Henning Jakhelln; 
Varslingsrett, rapporteringsplikt og taushetsplikt i arbeidsforhold – med særlig henblikk på politi- og lensmannsetaten i [Whistleblowing, Duty to Report and Confidentiality in Employment Relationships – especially with respect to the Police’ in:] Arbeidsrett nr. 2/2017 s. 183-219. Universitetsforlaget 2017 

Gert Johan Kjelby

Doms- og foreleggskompetansen i politisakene. Særlig om politimestrenes «dømmende Myndighed i ringe Bødemaalsager» og foreleggsinstituttets fremvekst, Judgments and Penal Orders issued by the Police – Developments in the history of Norwegian Police and Prosecution Law in:],in: Geir Heivoll og Sverre Flaatten (red.), «Rettslige overgangsformer: Politi- og kriminalrett i nordisk rettsutvikling».
Oslo Studies in Legal History nr. 15/2017, s. 243-283.