UNESCO Chair: Sustainable heritage and environmental management

News archive for UNESCO Chair: Sustainable heritage and environmental management

UNESCO recently welcomed 11 new areas into the family of Biosphere Reserves. Two of the countries, Belgium and Gambia, are recieving their first ever BR designations. The other nine countries recieving new biosphere designations are Colombia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Mongolia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, South Korea, Slovenia and Spain.
For the second time, Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere hosted the now annual Biosphere Day 30 May 2024. This years’ theme was Green transitions: Energy, land-use pressure and nature in Nordhordland. Politicians, municipal employees, researchers, and businesspeople all attended to discuss the future needs of the region.
“When you give nature a chance, a difficult situation can quickly be reversed. However, in order to do that, decision-makers must have the knowledge they need to take the right measures” - Anne Larigauderie
This spring, the UNESCO Chair group has been working with collecting positive future visions for sustainable nature, land-use and cultural landscapes. Most recently, workshops were held with students from two different high schools in Nordhordland biosphere reserve.
As the CULTIVATE project has entered its final year, it was time for the project's third in-person meeting. After visiting the biosphere reserves Trebon Basin and West-Estonian Archipelago previous years, members of the UNESCO Chair Group and the biosphere coordinators from Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve were happy to finally greet our colleagues in Western Norway.
Klima- og miljødepartementet leder arbeidet med to stortingsmeldinger som skal legges fra ila. 2024; en om naturmangfold for å følge opp den internasjonale naturavtalen, og en om klima fram mot 2035 på veien mot lavutslippssamfunnet i 2050. UNESCO Chair Inger Måren har bidratt med innspill til regjeringen på vegne av CeSAM, Nordhordland UNESCO biosfæreområde, og den norske MAB-komiteen.
February 7th the Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM) and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management hosted a student work shop during Day Zero of the 2024 Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG) Conference.
Summer of 2022, then UNESCO Chair MSc student Erika Scheibe went on a study trip to UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Hakusan in Japan. Here, international and Japanese students met to learn and teach each other about ecology, culture and tradition in the Biosphere Reserve.
January 25, the CULTIVATE project held a Seeds of Good Anthropocenes workshop in Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The goal was to envision positive, more sustainable futures for cultural heritage and cultural landscapes in the Nordhordland region.
BECOME had its first in-person meeting in France 15-17 January 2024, in Fontainebleau Biosphere Reserve and in Paris.
2023 has been an eventful year for the UNESCO Chair group at the University of Bergen. This year we have graduated three MSc students and one PhD student, started two new projects, taught sustainability science, held many presentations, and not least been part of arranging Norway’s first Biosphere Day in Nordhordland.
On December 5th, CeSAM and the UNESCO chair group organized a workshop for students and early career researchers - tying in with IPBES (Naturpanelet) holding a meeting in Bergen in the same week.
On November 27, UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management and CeSAM researcher Inger Måren represented the University of Bergen at the government's hearing for two upcoming reports to the Norwegian parliament; one on biodiversity and one on climate.
Agricultural activity in Norway has been decreasing since the 1950’s, leaving substantial areas of agricultural land abandoned. These lands are typically left to naturally regrow, or they are planted with Norwegian native tree species to mitigate atmospheric carbon. But how do these changes impact different ecosystem services? UNESCO Chair and CESAM affiliated researchers have investigated what... Read more
October 16-17, 2023, partners of the new NFR funded project ACTIONABLE all met in person in Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere. The project is led by Dr. Alicia D. Barraclough, researcher under the UiB UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management.
UiB's UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management - Nature and Culture was recently up for renewal, and four new years were granted on September 18. Professor Inger Elisabeth Måren (Department of Biological Sciences) continues as the chair holder.
Morgane Kerdoncuff has investigated the effect of prescribed burning on beetle diversity in coastal heathlands by comparing active beetle assemblages between newly burned patches and patches of mature stands. The study was recently published in Biodiversity and Conservation, and is part of Morgane's PhD thesis on the TradMod-project.
This June MSc student Susanne Zazzera completed her thesis titled "Bumblebee communities in open and overgrown heathlands in Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere, Vestland, Norway", which was supervised by UNESCO Chair Inger Måren, NIBIO researcher Bjørn Arild Hatteland, and PhD student Ieva Rozite-Arina. Susanne spent the summer of 2022 in Nordhordland's beautiful coastal heathlands collecting... Read more
