The University Aula in Bergen
The aulas history

Facts about the south wing and the aula

The university aula is located in the south wing of today's University Museum, in the building at Museplass 3. The south wing was remodeled in 2014-15, and also houses Café Christie. Today, the hall is used for lectures, concerts, receptions and ceremonies.

Main content


Wilhelm Friman Koren Christie initiates the establishing of Bergen Museum

The café is named after Christie.


The new museum building on Muséplass 3 opens its doors! It only consists of the middle building.

The museum was built on Rakkerhaugen, an earlier place for executions.


The two wings open. In the north wing there were exhibitions.

The south wing had a library, auditorium, lecture/banquet hall and office space for researchers. Lectures for the public were held in the auditoriums.


The University of Bergen (UiB) is founded and is located in Bergen realskole (a secondary school).


The south wing is converted into offices


An exterior restoration of the museum building is undetaken.

On September 29th the University board approves the name change to Universitetsmuseet i Bergen (The University museum in Bergen).


The museum (Muséplass 3) is formally protected on June 3rd.

One of the most central themes regarding preservation has been to continue the building’s function as a museum, as well as reestablish the south wing’s original function as a meeting place between academia and society. This highlights Muséplass 3 as the university’s origin and signature building.

2014- august 2015

The south wing was rehabilitated with funding from the department of education.

The works were comprehensive. All internal walls were removed, and the cellar had its floor lowered. A new load bearing system was built in the wing, and the columns were given an important role in the architecture. The two floor tall aula was built with high quality materials, that highlighted the symbolism of the aula while staying functional.

Design and decoration competitions were held.

2.september 2015

The aula is opened with pomp and circumstance.

The opening week has a varied program, showcasing the different uses of the aula.


The rest of Muséplass 3 is restored and rehabilitated for the natural history collections. The museum reopening is celebrated with lectures in the university aula.