University Museum of Bergen

News archive for University Museum of Bergen

Årringen is now reaching its 13th year of publication. Yearbook no. 13 for the Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Milde, Bergen Museum, the University of Bergen
The scaffolding on the north wing of the monumental building at Muséplass has now been removed. With that, the building now presents itself with a new colour, similar to the one it once had.
At the Cultural History Collections, you will find a lot of exciting exhibitions. You can also solve puzzles, and you can visit a special children’s exhibition.
You can now explore and find artefacts and specimens from the collections at Bergen Museum and other university museums via the Internet.
Due to renovation The Natural History building at Muséplass 3 will be closed from 1 April 2010 until the end of January 2011. The Cultural History Collections will, however, be open to all visitors; every day except Mondays.
The book ”The Lichen Flora of Svalbard” is the first modern lichen flora of an Arctic region, and its point of departure is Svalbard.
The Bergen Museum “Deeper than Light” exhibit opens in the ‘Ocean hall’ of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) in Washington DC on February 20th.
Ancient Egypt has been a crowd puller ever since Antiquity, an experience shared by Bergen Museum with its mummies and exhibition on Eternal Life. Why does it fascinate us so much?
Due to restoration work on windows and facade of the Natural History Collections, some of the exhibitions in the museum building at Muséplass 3 will be temporarily closed for a short period of time.
The deep ocean exerts a powerful influence on the imagination of all of us, not least because of the scale, remoteness, and its sheer inaccessibility to the air-breathing life on land.
The Three Musketeers - or "Muske Pers" as they call themselves -Per Magnus Jørgensen. Per Harald Salvesen, and Per Arvid Åsen have run wild into the exciting world of tulips. On Tuesday evening at the lunch room (1104) in the Science Building you will hear the whole story. Open to all.
Thanks to particularly favourable preservation conditions, archaeologists at Bergen Museum are now able to unearth an extensive archaeological site in Lærdal, Western Norway.
Archaeological surveys at Bjørkum in Lærdal have unearthed more than 20 buildings, sheds, and tofts. This is probably also the largest find of bone material in one single locality from the Viking Age in Norway.
A Japanese toothpaste tube, a beer can, and clinker from the first Atlantic steamers. At present, researchers find objects like these on the greatest ocean depths. They are now on display in a new section of the exhibition - in time capsules.
“Den teatrale illusjon”, a new, topical book on scenography in a historical and current perspective, is now available. The book will be launched on Wednesday 9 September at the Cultural History Collections.
What do we find of old garden roses along the Norwegian coast? At an international convention in Vancouver this summer, Per Harald Salvesen from Bergen Museum gave a lecture of an exciting project about heritage roses.
