University Museum of Bergen

News archive for University Museum of Bergen

Easter is just around the corner and it will soon be time to decorate both outside and inside.
Now in the Advent season, we have various exhibitions in all our gardens
Award is a tribute to the garden staff who have put their souls into planning, execution and care of the Museum Garden.
The university gardens have taken a big step towards sustainable operation this year.
Critically Endangered ‘dinosaur trees’ arrive at University Gardens for international conservation effort
In glorious sunshine on Saturday 3 June, the zealots in the Friends of the Arboretum were honored with the cultural award for Ytrebygda.
The Museum Garden is 125 years old and the University Museum celebrated this on 11 June. Principal Margareth Hagen and museum director Kari Loe Hjelle planted a Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch) on the occasion of the anniversary.
We now welcome applications to host an event as part of Day Zero at the SDG Conference Bergen, 7 February 2024.
After several cases of fires started from disposable grills at the Grønevika and Sandholna bathing areas, Bergen municipality has now imposed a ban on the use of single-use grills. A communal grill has been set up which is available to all.
The international workshop that occurs every three years attracted over 50 participants who gathered in Bergen to share the latest advances in the field. Michael Sars Centre aquarist Alexandre Jan was an Invited Speaker and also gave a tour of the Centre's state-of-the-art facilities.
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions for 2023-2024. Deadline 7 June, 2023.
Now this year's "stolpejakt" is well under way. We hope that the hunt will be for information and not just for posts.
The Arboretum and Bergen Botanical Garden have long wanted to have more guides to give tours of the collections at Milde.
Easter is just around the corner and it's time to decorate both outside and inside.
The yearbook came out at the beginning of December, including a major article on forests and the history behind the many non-native conifers found in the Arboretum.
