University Museum of Bergen

News archive for University Museum of Bergen

The University Museum has extended opening times during the summer months. From 1 June to 1 September the two museum buildings are open Tuesday to Friday, from 10.00 to 16.00, and from 11.00 to 16.00 at weekends.
Did you know why they mummified people in ancient Egypt? Did you know that ancient Egyptians also mummified cats, crocodiles, bread, and even fish?
How long has fish existed here on earth? Where do flounders live? What is the biggest fish and what is the smallest fish?
Nine hundred years have passed since Munkeliv Monastery was founded as the first of a total of seven in Bergen. The monasteries were internationally oriented. They contributed to the development of the city and gave Bergen a cosmopolitan character that it has retained up to the present time.
This is the theme that researcher Hilde Inntjore addresses in her lecture, which is the first one out in this spring’s series related to the Museum’s exhibition Fragments of the Past.
On Wednesday evening 29th February, the University Museum of Bergen has organised a jam-packed programme in both Museum buildings: "Night at the Museum" and a Lecture on soul-saving gifts in the Middle Ages. There will be something to suit audiences of all ages.
The University Museum, both The Natural and Cultural Collections, will be closed on Friday 24th February.
The Director of the University Museum of Bergen, Christoffer Schander has died after a short period of illness. He was only 51 years old when he died.
People living in Bergen in the Middle Ages loved entertainment and good literature, and a glass or two. At the same time the church warned of judgment day after death. By setting out on a pilgrimage, one could make up for one’s sins and see the world.
A shift, a strapped gown, and a cloak were common female garments in the Viking Age. But how were they designed and used?
Professor Haakon Fossen at the Department of Earth Science and the University Museum of Bergen, UiB has been presented with the award “Nordic Geoscientist Award 2012".
The internationally-oriented research community at Bergens Museum in the 1880s gave him an opportunity to get in touch with international contacts within biology and zoology. The milieu at home and his contacts abroad inspired Nansen to produce specialist results.
It is almost unbelievable that the Christmas rose can grow and flower in the middle of the dark period of the year with just a few plus degree temperatures.
Over a short period of time at the end of the 1200s, 6-7000 animals were caught and butchered at Lake Finnsbergvann on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. After about 50 years, the hunting came to an abrupt end. What type of hunting was this, what was the final destination of the products, who organised it and how did if affect the reindeer population?
In the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the University Museum of Bergen is open every day, from Tuesday 27.12 to and included Friday 30.12. On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day the Museum is closed.
Ravaging winds have left traces behind at Milde over the last few days. Spruces have been knocked down and events have had to be cancelled.
The mistletoe is an exciting evergreen parasitic scrub associated with a lot of mysticism, traditions, and medicinal uses. Well hidden by the foliage of their host plants, four young mistletoe scrubs have been left alone for at least 6 years until they were discovered after the leaf fall this autumn.
The mistletoe is an exciting evergreen parasitic scrub associated with a lot of mysticism, traditions, and medicinal uses. Well hidden by the foliage of their host plants, four young mistletoe scrubs have been left alone for at least 6 years until they were discovered after the leaf fall this autumn.
