Together we make the UiB safe: the UiB shall be a safe place for all students, employees and visitors. We are actively involved in improving the quality of everything, from our buildings to the learning environment.
Use the Speak Up Portal: this is where you can let us know if something is not working, if you are experiencing unwelcome incidents or see something that worries you. To notify us, please click on the photos above.
Report HSE non-conformities: Employees and students shall report HSE non-conformities in UiBhelp. More info here.
On-call security service: have you seen any unauthorised people on the campus, or do you need to contact the UiB's on-call security service for any other reason? Please call +47 55 58 80 81.
The police: are you a victim of a crime, or have you witnessed one? Please contact the police.
Prevention: sikresiden.no provides useful advice about preventing difficult situations and what to do in a crisis.
Positive feedback: what would you like to see more of in your learning environment? Please provide us with your positive feedback. This could enable the continuation of good measures and benefit more students.
The UiB takes both people who report issues and warnings seriously: all sensitive documents will be exempt from public disclosure and cases will be treated in confidence. This means that your name will not be known to any more people than is necessary for the further processing of your case.
Unsure about what to do? The ombud for students is an independent support person who is tasked with providing students at the University of Bergen with legal assistance in respect of matters relating to their study situation. You can also obtain help from a student representative or a trade union if you are a member of such.