A Renaissance of Central North Sea Salt Tectonics (ZechTec)
Aims to provide a regional-scale synthesis of salt behaviour and influence during the Late Permian- and Triassic (approximately 259-201 Ma) in the Central North Sea

The ZechTec project aims to provide a regional-scale synthesis of salt behaviour and influence during the Late Permian- and Triassic (approximately 259-201 Ma) in the Central North Sea. We will blend observations from seismic and well data with those from physical and numerical models that mimic the behaviour and influence of salt in the Central North Sea. The project comprises four work packages to tackle core questions such as: (i) What is the compositional/lithological variability of the Zechstein salts’? (ii) What triggered the movement of salt in different parts of the Central North Sea? (iii) What types of salt structures developed in different parts of the Central North Sea and why? (iv) How has Zechstein salt movement influenced landscape development and the deposition of sediments?
Project Period: 01/12/2021 to 01/03/2025
Funding: NFR Project no 326965
Project Leader: Rob Gawthorpe (UiB-GEO)
Involved people at UiB: Rob Gawthorpe and Atle Rotevatn
Project Partners: UiB, University of Texas (Austin), DNO Norge, Chrysaor Norge, Harbour Energy