Dette er tidligere forskningprosjekter forskergruppen i Geodynamikk og Bassengstudier
The source-to-sink (S2S) concept represents a new generation of basin studies that takes into account sediment erosion, transport and deposition from catchment to deep basin.
Investigation of Palaeogene sandbody geometries in Spitsbergen's Central Basin using outcrop, seismic and LIDAR data
Outcrop studies combined with analysis of subsurface 3D seismic data and numerical CFD simulations, aimed to improve our understanding of turbiditic systems and their deposits
Investigation of the sedimentology, depositional processes and climatic proxy record of colluvial deposits
Research on active and ancient fault zones and numerical simulations of rift basins suggest that fault growth, interaction and linkage are primary controls on the evolution of footwall topography, stream networks, hangingwall basin geometry and depositional systems.
Stratigraphic, sedimentary and structural evolution of extensional depocentres combining traditional field and digital outcrop techniques (LIDAR)
The Salt Influenced Rift Basins (SIRB) project, sponsored by Statoil, examines rift tectonics and sedimentation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, focusing on rift basin structural style and evolution and the rift-climax sedimentary response in areas where structure is influenced by the presence of...
Recent progress in quantitative subaerial geomorphology, coupled with the numerous, high resolution marine geophysical and geological datasets, becoming widely available along continental margins, now suggests major progress can be made at analysing and understanding the margin-scale characteristics...
3D Geodynamic Modelling of Sedimentary Basin and Passive Margin Formation
Numerical Modelling in 3D of Rift Segmentation, Rift Propagation, and Oblique Rifting: Control of Strain Weakening and Brittle Ductile Coupling
Lateral termination of a delaminated orogenic root: Lower crustal architecture, and exhumation history of northern Mozambique
Exhumation history of the Norwegian continental margin across major structural discontinuities deduced by combined fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses
GOndWAna COrrelations with special emphasis to the East African-Antarctic Orogen in Mozambique and Antarctica
Advanced Solution Methods for Geophysical Simulation of Plate Tectonics
European Science Foundation TopoEurope Project PYRTEC: Spatial and temporal coupling between tectonics and surface processes during lithosphere inversion of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain belt.
Earth System Modeling