Geodynamikk og Bassengstudier

Masterprosjekt - Geodynamikk og bassengstudier

Her finner du masterprosjekter som har vært gitt i faggruppen Geodynamikk og Bassengstudier, Institutt for geovitenskap, UiB.


Masterprosjektene i gardinmenyen under har vært gitt fra veiledere tilsatt ved Institutt for geovitenskap i faggruppen Geodynamikk og bassengstudier. Finner du et interessant prosjekt? Ta kontakt med en av de opplistede veilederne i prosjektet, eller spør studieadministrasjonen om informasjon. Du finner også tilknyttede personer i bunnen av denne nettsiden. 


Masterprosjekter 2024

Malene J. Lindset

Salt Tectonics Kinematics and Structural Styles in the Nordkapp Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea

Leonardo Pichel
Rizky WardanaHydrocarbon seepage along fractures above diapirs in and adjacent to the Central Graben, S Norwegian North SeaChristian Haug Eide
Matej PokornyStructural geometry and evolution of the Lomre terrace region, Northern North Sea riftHaakon Fossen
Johannes KraggerudSeepage and migration of hydrocarbons in the SW parts of Block 3 in Southern Norwegian North SeaChristian Haug Eide
Thomas JervingNeogene delta deposits offshore W Norway: Geometry, timing, and source to sink considerationsHaakon Fossen
Erlend Bjelland

Low-T thermochronology as a tool to decipher differential exhumation of crustal blocks of western Norway

Joachim Jacobs
Sebastian E. Paulsen

The origin, kinematics, and geometry of salt diapirs and minibasins in the UK Central North Sea

Rob Gawthorpe
Hans Pauli I H. Øregaard

Detailed study of normal faults, the variability of fault core content and predictability of across-fault flow properties, in the Mesaverde Group in Jim Canyon, Book Cliffs, Utah/Colorado, USA

Christian Hermanrud
Mathias Torstensen

Accuracy of the least compressive stress from borehole data and implication for analyses of calculations of the limit for hydrofracturing thresholds

Christian Hermanrud
Rasmus S. Strømberg

Frequency-dependent AVO (FAVO) attribute extraction

Christian Hermanrud
Josephine W. Nauli

Fault sealing controls in Gullfaks and Gullfaks Sør inferred from production data

Christian Hermanrud
Amund Horn

Depositional geometries and sequence stratigraphic interpretation and subdivision in the eastern Book Cliffs, Colorado, USA; Mount Garfield to Palisade Rim

Christian Hermanrud
Enruiqey Dieu Dela Towu

Fault sealing controls at the Snorre field

Christian Hermanrud
Håvard O. RindeComparing fault seal predictions with dynamic data and emerging fault seal methodologyChristian Hermanrud
Kristoffer H. JørgensborgStructure of the Asir and Jiddah terrane boundary of the Arabian- Nubian Shield using Sentinel2 satellite imagery and correlations with eastern SudanJoachim Jacobs
Aleksandra Victoria G. DanielsenLandscape evolution modelling of late Mesozoic topography and sediment output from Southern NorwayRitske Huismans
Ellen Milada Fagermo

Can intertidal areas along rocky coasts keep up with sealevel rise?

William Helland-Hansen
Jon Vaardal-LundeTriassic rivers of the Barents Sea BasinAlbina Gilmullina
Rayhan RatulDistribution of the deep marine Middle Triassic organic shales in the Barents Sea and surrounding ArcticAlbina Gilmullina

Masterprosjekter 2023

Arjuman Banu

Analysis of the relation between recharge, climate, and water-table depth in a global recharge dataset

Elco Luijendijk
Kaja N. UndelstvedtA geomorphological, mineralogical, and sedimentological investigation across a modern beach system at Jæren, SW NorwayWilliam Helland-Hansen
Andrea Oliva KjemperudTectonic significance and origin of different serpentinite types in the Alpine-Apennine orogenic wedge of eastern Elba, ItalyJoachim Jacobs

Christine Elise Nicolaysen

Integrated well, seismic stratigraphic and S2S analysis of Late Jurassic rift margin sourced depositional systems, Western Horda Platform and Southern Lomre Terrace, Northern North SeaChristian Hermanrud
Nicole NilsenFault permeabilities and column height controls in block 30/11 in the Norwegian North SeaChristian Hermanrud

Dimitrios Patsos

Sand Injection Formations Mechanisms in the northern North SeaChristian Hermanrud
Natalie JuliussenHydrocarbon column height controls in Jurassic reservoirs on the Nordland RidgeChristian Hermanrud
Tuva FrafjordFault sealing and column height controls in the Gullfaks and Gullfaks Sør fieldsChristian Hermanrud
Anne Katrine DøsenDiapirer og minibassenger i den sentrale NordsjøRob Gawthorpe

Brede S. Søfteland

Seismic mapping and paleogeographic reconstruction of the Paleocene deposits in the western Norwegian SeaChristian Haug Eide

Vilhelm Nyby

Leakage of methane from abandoned wells in the Norwegian Central North SeaChristian Haug Eide
Malene B. NielsenReservoir modeling of tidal regressive units in outcrop and the subsurfaceChristian Haug Eide

Helene Dreyer

Sedimentary characterization and interpretation of tidal regressive units in outcrop and the subsurfaceChristian Haug Eide
Ynge G. FossheimSubice geology of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, revealed by UPb zircon study of metasedimentary rocks of the Shackleton RangeJoachim Jacobs
Nooshin FathiSeismic modelling of brecciated sand injectite systems: sensitivity analyses and uncertaintyIsabelle Lecomte
Julie ChristoffersenNatural seepage of hydrocarbons in the Southern Norwegian North SeaChristian Haug Eide

Natalie B. Synnes

Fault and Depocenter Evolution in a Transtensional and Inverted Basin: Inner Moray Firth BasinEdoseghe Edwin Osagiede
Carl August BrechanGeochemical and petrophysical investigation of basaltic lava flows, Husavik-Tjornes Peninsula, Iceland: Implication for subsurface CO2 storageEdoseghe Edwin Osagiede

Martin Borgen

The influence of fault complexities in fault permeabilities: Learning from history matching at NjordChristian Hermanrud
Thomas Wiers BjørnsenStructural and petrographic analysis of deformed volcanic rocks around the Husavik-Flatey Fault Zone, Iceland

Edoseghe Edwin Osagiede

Synnøve H. BakkDetrital Monazite and Zircon Provenance of Lower Jurassic Reservoir Rocks, North Sea and Norwegian SeaChristian Haug Eide
Eivind M FrorudForbedret prediksjon av reservoaregenskaper i dype strukturer på norsk sokkel der kloritt spiller en nøkkelrolleChristian Haug Eide
Kristel KaselaanDetecting desalinisation in quick clays: Geochemical and interpretation of porewater dataElco Luijendijk
Siri TangedalCO2 leakage risk through remobilized Cenozoic sediments in the Northern North SeaChristian Hermanrud


Masterprosjekter 2020

Vebjørn SelstadSorting effect in provenance: a case study study from the Ebro Basin, SpainChristian H. Eide
Anders BjørnstadFault gouge characterization in the Øygarden complex in SW Norway – relevance for offshore CO2 storageJoachim Jacobs
Joakim Skreden ErgaStratigraphic controls on deformation in the Shihtiping Tuffs, SE TaiwanAtle Rotevatn
Casper FlæteSeismic imaging of fault and fault zones: insight through modelling for improved interpretationIsabelle Lecomte
Nora FredheimPaleogeography and distribution of Middle to Late Triassic reservoir rocks in the Greater Tampen Spur RegionChristian H. Eide
Hanne GramstadStructural and depositional evolution of the Ivar Aasen area, Utsira HighAtle Rotevatn
Wouter GravendeelStructural and depositional evolution of the Ivar Aasen area, Utsira HighAtle Rotevatn
Victoria HamreSyn-rift deep-water channels and lobes of the Corinth Rift: Seismic modelling of outcrops and comparison with recent deposits in the Gulf of Corinth, GreeceRob Gawthorpe
Daniel HøieStratigraphy and depositional history of the Shihtiping Tuffs, SE TaiwanChristian H. Eide
Sigrid NæsheimSedimentology of the Battfjellet Formation, Longyearbyen area, SvalbardWilliam Helland-Hansen
Solveig NøttestadKva skjer med skredfaren om ein hogger skogen i utsette skråninger på vestlandet?Christian H. Eide
Kingsley OfoeduSeismic mapping of onshore-offshore transition zones - a modelling studyIsabelle Lecomte
Henry RavndalArkitektur og sedimentologi av sen-weichsel delta avsetninger, Vie, FørdeWilliam Helland-Hansen
Håvar SætherChanges in depositional setting across a megasequence boundary on the Horda Platform, North SeaTor O. Sømme
Ina TårupSyn-rift deep-water channels and lobes of the Corinth Rift: Seismic modelling of outcrops and comparison with recent deposits in the Gulf of Corinth, GreeceRob Gawthorpe

Masterprosjekter 2019

Anna Rebecca Dyrlev Bøgh

3D modelling and interpretation of channels in the Aspelintoppen Formation, Spitsbergen, Svalbard.

Maria Jensen (UNIS)

Julie Asdal

Sedimentary processes for the filling of interdistributary bayfills, Neslen Formation, Book Cliffs

William Helland-Hansen
Rebecca ErtesvågMicrostructural analysis of coal-bearing deformation bands at Wangaloa, New ZealandAtle Rotevatn
Nil Eryilmaz 

Resente og fremtidige endringer i morfologi og sedimentasjon som følge av menneskelige inngrep i et aktivt tidevannssystem, ytre Vestvågøy, Lofoten

William Helland-Hansen

Thomas Skålevik Foldnes

Forkastningsforsegling i Krafla-Askja-området sør for Oseberg

Christian Hermanrun UIB/EQUINOR

Emil Lie HansenTheory and applications of high-frequency georadar for various urban investigations in Quaternary grounds in Norway

Isabelle Lecomte

Tobias HermansenEarly differential compaction and its impact on lithofacies distribution and bayfill thickness, Neslen Formation, Book Cliffs

William Helland-Hansen

Amalie Sande RøddePolygonal faults in the North Viking GrabneChristian Hermanrun UIB/EQUINOR
Anders Nordstrand Østigård

Fjordsedimenter som arkiv for skredhendelser i Vestlandske fjordstrøk: Aurlandsfjorden

Christian H. Eide

Ferdinand Mayer-UllmanThe topographic evolution of post-Caledonian landscapes in the inner Nordfjord, SW-Norway | New insights from AFT dating and thermal history modellingJoachim Jacobs
Serianna Jeanette KvarøyStructure and evolution of non-collinear fault arrays in the Ivar Aasen fieldAtle Rotevatn

Masterprosjekter 2018

Geir Clement WågenHastighetsoppdatering fra seismiske data med borekronen som kilde (samarbeid med OCTIO)Einar Iversen, UiB
Torgeir Fenne VestlyPossible seismic monitoring of thawing of terrestrial sediments in the Arctic: Effects of sediment composition and variability with focus on Adventdalen, Svalbard.Tor Arne Johansen, UiB
Aleksejs Fjodorovs Forsegling av syn- og postrift fellerChristian Hermanrud, UiB/Equinor
Ingvild Næss What are the differences between joint patterns in different beds?David Peacock, UiB
Sara Kverme Relationships between bed thickness and joint frequenciesDavid Peacock, UiB
Øystein Ødegård Convolution modelling of georadar images - application to outcrop models of paleokarstsIsabelle Lecomte, UiB
Milos Uksanivic Efficient Elastic Modeling and Full Waveform InversionHenk Keers, UiB
TORBJØRN AAMELFOTSedimentology of the Battfjellet Formation, Liljevalchsfjellet, SvalbardWilliam Helland-Hansen, UiB
SONDRE HAGEVOLD From outcrop to synthetic seismic: an integrated study of Botnheia, central SpitsbergenIsabelle Lecomte, UiB
Anine Eikrem HellandUsing drones to investigate cliffs for rickfall hazard assessmentChristian Haug Eide, UiB


Masterprosjekter 2017

AASMUND OLAV AAMELFOT - Mudstone-rich fluvial systems: Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, Eastern Utah (Main supervisor: Dr. Christian Haug Eide (UiB)

ESPEN FRIESTAD - Synthetic seismic modelling of shallow-marine to paralic deposits: The Blackhawk Formation in Central Utah, USA  (Main supervisor: Dr. Christian Haug Eide (UiB)

THOMAS JARLE GRIMSTAD - Modellering av belysnings- og oppløsningseffekter i prestack dybde migrasjon (Main supervisor: Isabelle Lecomte, UiB.)

JOHANNE NERGAARD GRINDE - Evolution of fault populations on the Exmouth Plateau, North Carnarvon Basin, NW shelf of Australia: implications for understanding syn-tectonic carbonate platform growth (Main supervisor: Prof. Atle Rotevatn)

MARTIN KYRKJEBØ JOHANSEN - Seismisk karakterisering av paleokarstreservoarer (Main supervisor: Isabelle Lecomte, UiB.)


BJØRN EMIL WIK HALLARÅKER - Linking shelf edge and basin axis locations in predicting lithology and depositional geometries (Main supervisor: William Helland-Hansen)

ERLEND VALLE RISNES   - Structure and fluid flow history, Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, Somerset, UK (2 STUDENTS) (Main supervisor: 1.aman. II, Dr. David Peacock)

ERLEND GJØSUND - Structure and fluid flow history, Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, Somerset, UK (2 STUDENTS) (Main supervisor: 1.aman. II, Dr. David Peacock)

HAKAN HEGGERNES - Drainage evolution in arid extensional settings: Sinai, Egypt (Main supervisor: Martin Muravchik)

MARTINE JOHANNE BIRKEMO KRABBENDAM - Integrated 4D tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the northern Peloponnese margin and the Gulf of Corinth, Greece (Main supervisor: Martin Muravchik)

JØRGEN HÅSTØ BORGENVIK - Dune Distribution, Morphology and Preservation Potential in Modern Sand Seas. (Main supervisor: Bjørn Nyberg (UiB)

MAY BRITT KJÆREVIK ZACHARIAH - The spatial, geometric and temporal geomorphological variability of modern alluvial depositional elements (Main supervisor: Bjørn Nyberg (UiB)

FREDRIK AUGUST WYLLER - Spatial and temporal development of joint networks and associated network properties (Main supervisor: Dr. Casey Nixon)

EIRIN HERMANSEN - Kartlegging av sprekkekorridorer på Sotra og Øygarden (Main supervisor: Eivind Bastesen, Seniorforsker Uni Research)

REBECCA DORGA OLSEN - Reaktiveringstektonikk og karakterisering av destruksjonssoner langs forkastninger i Sotra-Øygarden området (Main supervisor: Eivind Bastesen, Seniorforsker Uni Research)

ELISABETH OSALAND - Bruk av autigene mineraler som paleotermometer og sammenligning med vitrinitt data (Main supervisor: Helge Hellevang (Universitetet i Oslo og UNIS)

THOMAS DE JONGE - AVO Inversion Using Data Assimiliation (Main supervisor: Henk Keers)

OLEA SYNNØVE HOFSHAGEN - Innvirkning av forkastningsgeometri på seismiske registreringer. Influence of fault geometry on seismic registrations (Main supervisor: Einar Iversen)

ALEKSANDR TULAPIN  - Full waveform inversion in time-lapse mode using scattering theory (Main supervisor: Morten Jakobsen)

MARIANNE DAGSLAND JÅSUND - Beregning av seismiske attributter for jordmodeller med forskjellige typer kontinuitetsegenskaper. Simulation of seismic attributes for earth models with different continuity properties (Main supervisor: Einar Iversen)

Masterprosjekter 2016

SANDER HOFKER BERG - Frøya High, offshore Mid-Norway (2 studenter) (Main supervisor: Dr. Gijs Henstra)

VEGARD MURIBØ BERG - Kalibrering av seismisk respons til brønndata ved bruk av bergartsfysikk (Main supervisor: Tor Arne Johansen)

SANDRA ERIKSSON - Sedimentology of quaternary terraces at the southern margin of the Corinth Rift, Greece (Main supervisor: Martin Muravchik)

ØYSTEIN GRASDAL - Sedimentary architecture of sand bodies in the Paleocene Firkanten Fm, Svalbard (Main supervisor: Maria Jensen, UNIS)

JARLE HAUGLAND - Frøya High, offshore Mid-Norway (2 studenter) (Main supervisor: Dr. Gijs Henstra)

TOR HELGHEIM - Geological and rock-physics-based stacking for direct hydrocarbon prediction (Main supervisor: Christian Hermanrud)

ANDERS HÅGENVIK  - Forced regressions in rift shoulder derived deltas (Main supervisor: Martin Muravchik)

HANNA JERVIDALO - "Structure and evolution of deformation bands affecting volcaniclastic deposits in SE Taiwan (Main supervisor: Prof. Atle  Rotevatn)

ØYVIND KONGSHAUG - Kalibrering av seismisk AVO respons til brønndata (Main supervisor: Tor Arne Johansen)

MADS ANDRÉ MELAND - Begrensende faktorer for hydrokarbonkolonner i Sleipnerområdet (Main supervisor: Christian Hermanrud)

MAX OSEN OSNES - Begrensende faktorer for hydrokarbonkolonner på Nordlandsryggen (Main supervisor: Christian Hermanrud)

LARS ANDRÉ FARDAL REFSLAND - Full waveform inversion in a Bayesian framework. (Main supervisor: Morten Jakobsen)

ANJA TVEIT - Non-Linear AVO Inversion (Main supervisor: Henk Keers)

KNUT RINGEN VITEN - Fault evolution, architecture and permeability structure in carbonate rocks (Main supervisor: Atle Rotevatn)

JOHANNES ØYRI - Modeling and inversion of global earthquake data (kan ta 2 stk) (Main supervisor: Henk Keers)



Masterprosjekter 2015

Masterprosjekter 2014

RENATE E TVEIT - Plaster modeling of fault development (2 projects) (Main supervisor: Atle Rotevatn)



ANDREI OUGLOV - Prosessering og tolkning av SVALEX seismikk  Prof. (Main supervisor: Rolf Mjelde) Geodynamikk

ANN-ELIN BENDIKSEN - Etablering av sen-glasial og holosen askestratigrafi i innsjøarkiver fra Vest Norge  Prof. (Main supervisor: Haflidi Haflidason) Kvartære Geosystemer

DIANA CALDARESCU - Climate reconstruction using clumped isotope thermometry in mollusk shells. (Main supervisor: Nele Meckler) Kvartære geosystemer

HEDDA SOFIE  Gjerdingen - Rekonstruksjon av flaumhistorie frå Flåmselvi frå marine kjernedata (Main supervisor: Prof. Haflidi Haflidason) Kvartære geosystemer

IDA JAHREN HERUD - Full waveform inversion in time-lapse mode using scattering theory     Prof. (Main supervisor: Morten Jakobsen) ??

INGRID EMILSEN KRISTIANSEN - Holosene skred- og flomprosesser i Fjærlandsfjorden basert på marine data. (Main supervisor: Prof. Haflidi Haflidason) ??

ISELIN TORLAND TJENSVOLD - Dannelsesmekanismer for sandinjeksjoner i Nordsjøen (Main supervisor: Christian Hermanrud) ??

KARINA LØVIKNES - Measuring seismic station timing errors from ambient noise. (Main supervisor: Prof. Lars Ottemöller (UiB) Geodynamikk

KARINA STRØMSNES - Isavsmeltingshistorie og havnivåendringer i Boknafjordsområdet i Rogaland. (Main supervisor: John Inge Svendsen) Kvartære geosystemer

LOUISE KRISTIANSEN POOLE - Sedimentology of the Paleogene succession at Renardodden, Svalbard (Main supervisor: William Helland-Hansen) ??

MARI SÆBØ - Kvartærgeologisk kartlegging Kallskarskredet i Tafjord: når fant det sted og hvilke implikasjoner hadde skredet for geomorfologi og vannføring? (Main supervisor: Henriette Linge (GEO, UiB) Kvartære geosystemer

MARTIN KJENES - 2.Structure and evolution of deformation bands affecting volcaniclastic deposits in SE Taiwan (Main supervisor: Atle Rotevatn) ??

Nassir Omardeen Osman (Main supervisor: Prof.Morten Jakobsen) ??

SHAJAHAT AHMED - Synthetic seismic modelling of shallow-marine to paralic deposits: The Blackhawk Formation in Central Utah, USA. (Main supervisor: Dr.Christian Haug Eide (UiB) ??

SIGURD BACHE - Kilden til sedimentene i Kråkenesvatnet (Main supervisor: Jostein Bakke) Kvartære geosystmer

SILJE KRISTIN EIDE SORTLAND - Kvartærgeologisk kartlegging av Eidsheia (Eidsdal, Norddal kommune) og rekonstruksjon av isavsmeltingsforløpet (Main supervisor: Henriette Linge (GEO, UiB) Kvartære geosystemer

SIV Tone BÅRDSNES - Investigating the abrupt climate change at the Medieval Climate Anomaly to Little Ice Age transition. (Main supervisor: Eystein Jansen, GEO) Kvartære geosystemer

SNORRE BIRKELUND WILLE - Near surface temperature changes in the Denmark Strait during abrupt climate change events. (Main supervisor: Eystein Jansen, GEO) Kvartære geosystemer

SYNNØVE GRØNNEVIK - Reservoarforhold og AVO klasser i Barentshavet (Main supervisor: Tor Arne Johansen) ??

TOR KRISTIAN BERG - Sedimentology of the Grønfjorden Bed, Grønfjorden, Svalbard (Main supervisor: Maria Jensen (UNIS) ??

TROND HORTEN - Kvartærgeologisk kartlegging i Geiranger (Stranda kommune) og rekonstruksjon av isavsmeltingsforløpet. (Main supervisor: Henriette Linge (GEO, UiB) Kvartære geosystemer