Prøveforelesning: Philomena Njeri Ngugi

Tema for prøveforelesning
"Contribution of Information Science and Media Studies to quality, costs and time efficiency of EMR supported best practice health and social care".
Komitéens begrunnelse for valg av tema
In her PhD dissertation, Philomena Ngugi has developed a systematic method for evaluating the state of Electronic Medical Record systems (EMRs) implementations. In the trial lecture, it might be interesting to go beyond that and present the extent to which the disciplines such as Information Science and Media Studies may contribute to the quality, costs and time efficiency of EMR supported health and social care. This might be presented in the context of Kenya and LMIC countries or from a broader perspective.
EMR implementation in Kenya and LMIC countries is improving as building upon the promise of improvements in quality of patient care, patient safety and cost reduction, all aspects being embraced also by models of integrated care as described in care pathways and workflows.
Komitéens medlemmer:
Patrik Eklund, Professor, Univeristetet i Umeå
Melita Hajdinjak, Associate Professor, Universitetet i Ljubljana
Mehdi Elahi, Associate Professor, Universitetet i Bergen