Institutt for biomedisin

BBB seminar: Jarl Underhaug

The Norwegian Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Platform


Jarl Underhaug
Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen

The Norwegian NMR Platform (NNP) is a new, national infrastructure platform, hosted by the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, in collaboration with UiO, NTNU and UiT. The instrumentation consists of one 850 MHz spectrometer at UiB and two 800 MHz spectrometers at UiO and NTNU. The package also includes several lower field spectrometers, not administered by NNP, at the four universities. At UiB, the NMR platform functions as a core facility, which is available for all researchers for a fee.

The new platform provides a much-needed upgrade in the Norwegian NMR infrastructure, bringing Norway back on level with the rest of Europe. The new instruments will give researchers the ability to study more complex systems (e.g. larger proteins) and large sets of samples (e.g. metabolomics and fragment based screening).

The seminar will highlight the possibilities that the new platform gives, with a focus on characterization of proteins. A project involving the structural characterization of a vision impairing protein, transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein (TGFBIp), will be used as an example. In addition, the general abilities of the NMR infrastructure at the Department of Chemistry will be demonstrated.

Chairperson: Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine