UiB Opp 2.3 The evaluators’ perspective: Improve proposals through mock evaluations
Kursinnhold: Participants will learn how to evaluate research project proposals from a generalist perspective. The training will be performed with real EU proposals, following the original procedure of EU proposal evaluation, and consists of lectures, individual work, and group work. Under the guidance of two experienced EU expert evaluators, the participants will perform individual assessment reports, find consensus during a panel meeting, write consensus reports, and finally compare their reports to the proposals’ original consensus reports. The competence gained in this course will enable the participants to give relevant feedback to researchers to improve their proposals. This class will build up a skilled group of research advisers capable of performing standardized mock evaluations of high quality, which will ultimately increase the success rate for external funding throughout UiB.
Aim of the course- Create a group of UiB research advisers capable of performing high-quality mock evaluations- Establish a common standard for proposal mock evaluations at UiB
Knowledge: understand the EU evaluation procedure
Skills: taking the evaluator’s perspective on a proposal, writing individual assessment reports along a set of evaluation criteria, performing quality control of assessment reports, finding consensus and writing consensus reports.
Competences: ability to perform qualified mock evaluations of proposals for a variety of programs and topics; improved competence for strategic proposal support, such as advice for proposal planning, structuring and writing. The focus will be on MSCA and RIA/IA but learning outcomes of the course can be transferred to other EU funding schemes like CSA, ERC, and even to any type of RCN proposal.
Målgruppe: Experienced research advisers-who give advice and offer hands-on support to EU proposals (focus on MSCA and RIA/IA)-who will offer this kind of support within this year-who have little/no experience with proposal evaluation for the EC or other funding agencies
Varighet: NB! Please note that this is a two days course, with remote work.
- Day 1: 2 hours,
- Remote work:ca. 2-4 working days,
- Day 2: whole day
Mandatory attachments: - CV - ½ page motivation letter, providing information about: - level of professional experience as research adviser; - level of experience with EU proposals (as advisor or other); -motivation for joining this course. We will prioritize participants who best fit the target group. Please send per to: Friederike.Hoffmann@uib.no and Corina.Guder@uib.no
Kursholder: Friederike Hoffmann, GFI;Corina Guder, FIA. Both are experienced expert evaluators for the European Commission.
Kursspråk: English
Antall plasser: 10 stk.