CABUTE Postdoctoral Scholarships for 2024-2026

CABUTE is pleased to announce the availability of 8 Postdoctoral Scholarships, effective from November 2024. These scholarships will be allocated as follows: Five (5) for Makerere University, two (2) for Kyambogo University, and one (1) for UNITE.
Eligibility Criteria:
To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must:
- Hold a faculty position at one of the Ugandan CABUTE institutions.
- Possess a doctoral degree in English, General Education, Mathematics, or Music.
- Not have attained the rank of Associate Professor.
Focus Area:
CABUTE is committed to enhancing teacher education in Uganda through capacity-building initiatives. Therefore, proposed Postdoctoral projects must be directly relevant to teacher education and/or school-related research.
Scholarship Structure:
The scholarship will be disbursed in three installments:
- Start-up Package: Provided to initiate the research work.
- Result-Based Award: Granted upon publication of the first peer-reviewed research article.
- Final Award: Issued after the publication of the second peer-reviewed research article.
Each installment is valued at NOK 51,000 (appr. UGX 18 mill per August 2024).
Application Details:
Applications must be submitted via the following link:
Deadline: October 1, 2024.