Beyond Oil 2015: Geographies of climate and energy transformation
Are we moving beyond oil? How are climate and energy transformations experienced in different parts of the world? What measures do we need to take to move our energy systems in a renewable direction?
Read a short summary of the 2015 conference HERE
Society is inevitably moving beyond oil. The challenge of climate change is well recognized, renewable energy technologies are increasingly important in energy systems, and sustainability has become a critical parameter for urban and regional planning. Even though most agree that the observed processes of change are far behind what the climate science suggests is necessary, and political, economic, cultural path dependencies are evident, the transition is now. The question is how cities, regions and states manage and respond to on-going processes of change, and how sustainable, equitable and democratic outcomes will be.
The aim of this conference is to create an arena for discussing research on the social processes and geographies of climate and energy transformation.
Participation is free, lunch is served. Please email to let us know you are coming.
Download: Book of abstracts
21 October
09.00 WelcomeIntroduction: The instabilities of carbonscapesHåvard Haarstad, University of Bergen
Chair: Tarje Wanvik
09.30 Keynote: A geography of the idea of society after oilJohn-Andrew McNeish, Norwegian University of Life SciencesAndreas Ytterstad, Oslo and Askershus University College of Applied Sciences
Discussant: Aslak Orre, Chr. Michelsens Institute
Short break
11.00 Keynote: Energy transitions and social equity: foregrounding spatial justiceStefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester
Discussant: Kristian Stokke, University of Oslo
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Panel: Community and agency (Chair: Festus Boamah, University of Bergen)
Too hot, too cold, perhaps resilient as well: experiencing energy vulnerability in GreeceSaska Petrova, University of Manchester
Youth initiatives for transformation: collective engagement and agencyMilda Jonusaite Nordbø, University of Oslo
The insights perspective of a Community Energy Initiatives (CEI) on actors and networks and their implications for governance of sustainability transitionsLisa-Britt Fischer, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
15.00 Short break
15.15 Panel: Geographies of the green economy (Chair: Stina Oseland)
Analyzing differences in electric vehicle policies across countriesJoeri Wesseling, Lund University
Energy civilisation through industrial modernity and beyondThor Øivind Jensen, University of Bergen
The structure, strategy and geography of green CErtification servicesGrete Rusten, University of Bergen
End: 17.00
22 October
09.00 Keynote: Climate change as an adaptive challengeElin Selboe, University of Oslo
Chair: Håvard HaarstadDiscussant: Atle Nyhagen, University of Bergen
10:15 Short break
10.30 Panel: Leave the oil in the ground? (Chair: Ingrid Foss Ballo, University of Bergen)
‘Leaving it in the ground’ in Lancashire: State, finance and local democracyAnna Szolucha, University of Bergen
Will leaving oil in the ground reduce corruption in natural resources?Aled Williams, Chr. Michelsens Institute
The North-South Dynamics of Saying No to OilTessel Kuijten, University of Amsterdam
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Panel: Inequality and participation in energy transitions (Chair: Tarje Wanvik)
The Climate Protection Plan of the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia: a participatory, multi-stakeholder process for regional energy transitionValentin Espert, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
The Geography of Policy Oblivion: How Energy Policy in Japan Forgot Household Energy Consumers and at What Cost, 1945-1974Hiroki Shin, Birkbeck College, University of London
The backlash of not governing the ungovernable: ‘Green’ governmentality and unintended outcomes of biofuel projects in AfricaFestus Boamah, University of Bergen
15.15 Beyond Oil? Summary discussion
Chair: Håvard Haarstad
End 16.30