Forskargruppe for europarett

Nyhetsarkiv for Forskargruppe for europarett

The test of concomitance and the Market Economy Investor Principle (MEIP)
On 18 June 2014, in Decision No 225/14/COL, the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) approved the prolongation of the scheme for another 7 years
The European Commission has adopted a package simplifying procedures under the EU Merger Regulation.
The European Commission has taken a stand in the Global interest rate rigging scandal, fining several of the world’s leading financial institutions for cartel behaviour.
Commission Communication “REFIT – Fit for Growth” announces detailed policy plans to further streamline EU secondary legislation
Vice President Almunia and UEFA President Platini on Financial Fair-Play rules.
Commission Staff Working Document on state aid-compliant financing, restructuring and privatisation of State-owned enterprises (SOE).
Konkurranseråd Bekkevold gir en omfattende oversikt over initiativer og tiltak som ble vedtatt høsten 2011 innen tre felt: konkurranse, statsstøtte og anskaffelser.
