Et utvalg publisert av medlemmene i forskningsgruppen, og i samarbeid med andre (fagfellevurderte artikler, bøker, bokkapitler).
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T., Scheurer, J. 2024. ‘Trying (hard), but it’s difficult’: Youth voices on lifestyle matters in a climate perspective. In: Svendsen, B. A., Jonsson, R. (Eds), The Routledge Handbook on Language & Youth Culture. London and New York, Routledge.
Andersen, I. V. 2024. Seeking Consensus on Confusing and Contentious Issues: Young Norwegians’ Experiences of Environmental Debates. Environmental Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2023.2299358.
Elgesem, D., Knudsen, E., Fløttum, K. 2024. The Impact of Climate Change on Lifestyle Journalism. Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2023.2299463
Gjerstad, Øyvind; Fløttum, Kjersti.Negation and Climate Change in French Blog Posts. I: Negatives and Meaning: Social Setting and Pragmatic Effects. Stockholm University Press 2023 ISBN 978-91-7635-204-5. s. 27-42
-Gjerstad, Ø., Fløttum, K. 2022. From Descriptive to Normative Climate Change Narratives: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Oxford University Press: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. DOI:
- Andersen, I., Fløttum, K. 2022. “Adults who fail the next generations and children who refuse to give up”: The story about climate change as a battle between the generations. In: Höllein, D. & Wieders-Lohéac, A. Fridays for Future Überblick und Geschichte / Fridays for Future Overview and history. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag. Germany: Tübingen.
-Fløttum, K., Dahl, T., Scheurer, J. (forthcoming 2022) ‘Trying (hard), but it’s difficult’: Youth voices on lifestyle matters in a climate perspective. In: Svendsen, B. A., Jonsson, R. (Eds), Routledge Handbook on Language & Youth Culture.
-Fløttum, K., Dankel, D.J., Skiple, J.K. 2022. The Sustainable Development Goals — Sensible Initiative or Just Nonsense? An Investigation of Norwegian Citizens’ Knowledge and Attitudes. Sustainability 2022, 14(7), 4305;
-Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø., Badiang Oloko, F. 2022. De la polyphonie linguistique à la polyphonie discursive : un chemin à trois étapes. Cahiers de praxématique, 76, DOI:
Dahl, T. 2021. Global Villain, but Local Hero? A Linguistic Analysis of Climate Narratives from the Fossil Fuel Sector. Applied Linguistics, 1-20,
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø., Skiple, J.K. 2021. Climate change and lifestyle: people’s expressed motivations to adopt or not adopt a climate-friendly way of life. ASp 2021 (79), 75-94.
Fløttum, K. 2021. Ord og stemmer i klimadebatten. REPLIKK – Tidsskrift for samfunnsvitskap og humaniora 2021 (50), 34-43.
Gjerstad, Ø., Fløttum, K. 2021. Climate change lifestyle narratives among Norwegian citizens: A linguistic analysis of survey discourse. European Policy Analysis 2021; 7(Suppl. 2): 386–404. DOI: 10.1002/epa2.1122
Fløttum, K. 2020. Le changement climatique en discours. Cahiers de praxématique 73.
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø., Badiang Oloko, F. 2020. Les voix dans le discours climatique : essai d’une combinaison de la polyphonie avec l’analyse de contenu, l’analyse narrative et l’analyse rhétorique. Cahiers de praxématique 73.
Falck Langaas, R., Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2020. Expressing one’s conceptions of lifestyle in a climate perspective. Cahiers de praxématique 73.
Tvinnereim, E., Lægreid, O. M., Fløttum, K. 2020. Who cares about Norway's energy transition? A survey experiment about citizen associations and petroleum. Energy Research & Social Science2020; Volum 62.
Bremer, Scott; Johnson, Eleanor; Fløttum, Kjersti; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Wardekker, Arjan; Krauss, Werner. 2020. Portrait of a climate city: How climate change is emerging as a risk in Bergen, Norway. Climate Risk Management 2020 (29)
Dahl, Trine; Fløttum, Kjersti. 2020. Climate change from a corporate perspective: a case study of the linguistic representation of the energy transition by the fossil fuel companies Total and Equinor. Cahiers de praxématique 73.
Badiang Oloko, Francis. 2019. La polyphonie dans le discours climatique officiel du Cameroun 2005-2017. PhD dissertation. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen 2019 (ISBN 9788230844939)
Böhm, Gisela; Pfister, Hans-Rudiger; Salway, Andrew; Fløttum, Kjersti. 2019. emembering and Communicating Climate Change Narratives – The Influence of World Views on Selective Recollection. Frontiers in Psychology 2019 ;Volum 10.(MAY).
Dahl, Trine; Fløttum, Kjersti. 2019. Climate change as a corporate strategy issue: A discourse analysis of three climate reports from the energy sector. Corporate Communications. An International Journal 2019 ;Volum 24.(3) s. 499-514.
Fløttum, K. 2019. A cross-disciplinary perspective on climate change discourse. I: New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes. Frank & Timme 2019 ISBN 978-3-7329-0420-4. s. 21-37.
Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Badiang Oloko, Francis. 2019. Le discours portant sur le changement climatique dans trois perspectives polyphoniques. Keynote at the conference « Les voix en dialogue », Université de Lyon, 2019-07-03 - 2019-07-05.
Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Gjesdal, Anje Müller. 2019. Avenir et climat : représentations de l’avenir dans des blogs francophones portant sur le changement climatique. Mots: Les langages du politique 2019; Volum 119.
Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Tvinnereim, Endre. 2019. Associations évoquées par le changement climatique chez des citoyens français et norvégiens. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS) 2019 ;Volum 10.(1).
Fløttum, K. 2018. Quelles conceptions du « changement climatique » en France et en Norvège ? Résultats de deux enquêtes. SHS Web of Conferences 46, 01010 (2018)
Fløttum, K. (Ed.) 2017. The role of language in the climate change debate. New York/London: Routledge
Fløttum, K. 2017. Les voix des jeunes sur le climat, l’environnement et l’énergie. Le discours et la langue 8(2), 13-26.
Tvinnereim, E., Fløttum K., Gjerstad, Ø., Johannesson, M.P., Nordø, Å. D. 2017. Citizens' preferences for tackling climate change. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of their freely formulated solutions. Global Environmental Change, 46, 34-41.
Fløttum, K. 2017. Language and climate change. In: Fløttum, K. (Ed.) The role of language in the climate change debate. New York/London: Routledge, 1-10.
Fløttum, K. 2017. Willingness of action. In: Fløttum, K. (Ed.) The role of language in the climate change debate. New York/London: Routledge, 113-129.
Fløttum, K., Drange, H. 2017. The Paris COP21 agreement – obligations for 195 countries. In: Fløttum, K. (Ed.) The role of language in the climate change debate. New York/London: Routledge, 130-148.
Jones, M. D., Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2017. Stories about climate change: The influence of language on Norwegian public opinion. In: Fløttum, K. (Ed.) The role of language in the climate change debate. New York/London: Routledge, 49-68.
Fløttum, K. 2016. “Linguistic Analysis in Climate Change Communication”. In: Climate Science: Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.488 -> ORE Climate Science
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2017. Narratives in climate change discourse. WIREs Clim Change 2017, 8:e429. doi: 10.1002/wcc.429
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T., Rivenes, V. 2016. Young Norwegians and their views on climate change and the future: Findings from a climate concerned and oil rich nation. Journal of Youth Studies 19 (8), 1128-1143.
Fløttum, K., Gasper, D., StClair, Asun Lera. 2016. Synthesizing a Policy-Relevant Perspective from the Three IPCC “Worlds” – a comparison of topics and frames in the SPMs of the Fifth Assessment Report. Global Environmental Change (38), 118-129. Doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.03.007
Tvinnereim E, Fløttum K. 2015, Explaining topic prevalence in answers to open-ended survey questions about climate change. Nature Climate Change
Dahl, Trine. 2015. Contested science in the media: linguistic traces of news writers’ framing activity. Written Communication 32(1), 39-65
Fløttum, K., Gjesdal, A.M., Gjerstad, Ø., Koteyko, N.,& Salway, A. (2014). Representations of the future in English language blogs on climate change. Global Environmental Change, 29, 213-222.
Fløttum, K., Espeland, T. J. 2014. Norske klimanarrativer – hvor mange “fortellinger”? En lingvistisk og diskursiv analyse av to norske stortingsmeldinger. SAKPROSA 6(4), 1-18.
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T. 2014. IPCC communicative practices: A linguistic comparison of the Summary for Policymakers 2007 and 2013. The LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition 5(2), 66-83.
Fløttum, K. 2014. La narrativisation, trait unificateur des genres du discours climatique ? In: Michèle Monte & Gilles Philippe (Eds), Genres & textes. Déterminations, évolutions, confrontations. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 239-252.
Fløttum, K. 2014. La circulation de voix dans le débat sur le changement climatique : reportages de la COP 17 dans la presse française. In: Sullet-Nylander, F. et al. Discours rapporté, genre(s) et médias. Stockholm: Romanica Stockholmiensia, ISBN 978-91-87355-18-9, 91-104.
Fløttum, K., Ly, A. (2014). Le sommet sur le changement climatique de Copenhague en 2009 et les espérances brisées au Parlement européen. I: INTERPRETER L'EVENEMENT. Aspects linguistiques, discursifs et sociétaux. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas 2014 ISBN 978-2-35935-108-8. s. 155-163
Gjesdal, A. M., Fløttum, K. 2014.Conceptualisations de la notion du futur dans les blogs portant sur les changements de climat. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée XIX(1), 33-48.
Dahl, Trine, Fløttum, Kjersti. 2014. A linguistic framework for studying voices and positions in the climate debate. Text & Talk 34 (4), 401-420.
Fløttum, K. 2014. Linguistic mediation of climate change discourse. ASp La revue du GERAS (65),7-20.
Fløttum, K., Didriksen, A. A., Gjerstad, Ø. 2014. Il y a polyphonie et polyphonie. Arena Romanistica 2014 (4), 7-20.
Fløttum, K. 2014. La narrativisation, trait unificateur des genres du discours climatique ? In: Michèle Monte & Gilles Philippe (Eds), Genres & textes. Déterminations, évolutions, confrontations. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 239-252.
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2013. Voix citées dans le discours sur le changement climatique : comparaison de deux textes journalistiques français et anglais. ARENA ROMANISTICA 13, 54-73
Fløttum, K., Norén, C. 2013. "Je vous cite une dernière fois, Monsieur le Président...". Emploi polyphonique des termes d'adresse dans le débat parlementaire. Cahiers de praxématique, 57-2011, 117-131. Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée. ISBN 978-2-36781-029-4
Fløttum, K. (ed.) 2013. Speaking of Europe. Approaches to complexity in European political discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Fløttum, K. 2013. Speaking of and within the EU. In: Fløttum, K. (ed.), Speaking of Europe. Approaches to complexity in European political discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1-18.
Fløttum, K. 2013. Narratives in Reports about Climate Change. In Gotti, M., Guinda, C. S., (Eds), Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 277-292.
Fløttum, K. 2013. Représentation linguistique d'incertitude dans le discours du changement climatique. In: Norén, C., Jonasson, K., Nølke, H., Svensson, M. (eds.), Modalité, évidentialité et autres friandises langagières. Bern: Peter Lang, 135-150.
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T., Didriksen, A. A., Gjesdal, A. M. 2013. KIAP – reflections on a complex corpus. In: Hareide, L., Oakes, M.P., Johansson, C., The many facets of corpus linguistics in Bergen - in honour of Knut Hofland, BeLLS Vol.3, Nr.1, Bergen Language and Linguistic Studies, 137-150
Bostrom, A., O'Connor, R. E., Böhm, G., Hanss (in press). Tailoring climate change communication to audiences. WIREs Climate Change.
Rosentrater, L., Sælensminde, I., Ekstrøm, F., Böhm, G., Bostrom, A., Hanss, D., & O'Connor, R. (in press). Efficacy trade-offs in individuals’ support for climate change policies. Environment and Behavior.
Böhm, G., & Tanner, C. (2013). Environmental risk perception. In L. Steg, A. E. van den Berg, & J. I. M. de Groot (Eds.), Environmental psychology: An introduction (pp. 15-25). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Fløttum, K. 2013. Narratives in Reports about Climate Change. In Gotti, Maurizio; Guinda, Carmen Sancho (Eds), Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres. Bern: P. Lang, 277-292.
Fløttum, K. 2013. Représentation linguistique d'incertitude dans le discours du changement climatique. In: Norén, C., Jonasson, K., Nølke, H., Svensson, M. (eds.), Modalité, évidentialité et autres friandises langagières. Bern: Peter Lang, 135-150.
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2013. The Role of social justice and poverty in South Africa’s National climate change response white paper. In: J. Dugars, A. L. St.Clair, S. Gloppen (eds.), CLIMATE TALK: Rights, Poverty and Justice. Cape Town: JUTA, 13-41.
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2013. The Role of social justice and poverty in South Africa’s National climate change response white paper. In: South African Journal on Human Rights, 2013-1, 61-90.
Böhm, G., & Hanss, D. (2012). Hvordan opplever mennesker miljørisiko? In A. L. Hauge, A. Fyhri, & H. Nordh (eds.), Norsk miljøpsykologi (pp. 355-375). SINTEF Akademisk forlag.
(Chapter in anthology of Norwegian environmental psychology: How do people experience environmental risks?)
Bostrom, A., O'Connor, R. E., Böhm, G., Hanss, D., Bodi, O., Ekström, F., Halder, P., Jeschke, S., Mack, B., Qu, M., Rosentrater, L., Sandve, A., & Sælensminde, I. (2012). Causal thinking and support for climate change policies: International survey findings. Global and Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, 22, 210-222.
Fløttum, K. 2012. Voix scientifiques dans le débat politique sur le changement climatique. Actes du XVIIIe congrès des romanistes scandinaves/Actas del XVIII congreso de romanistas escandinavos, Romanica Gothoburgensia,
Fløttum, K. 2012. Variation of stance and voice across cultures. In: Hyland, K. ; Guinda, C. S. (eds), Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 218-231.
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T. 2012. Different contexts, different “stories”? A linguistic comparison of two development reports on climate change. Language and Communication, 32 (1), 14-23.
Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø. 2012. Arguing for climate policy through the linguistic construction of narratives and voices: the case of the South-African green paper “National Climate Change Response”. ClimaticChange 115 (3-4). DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0654-7
Fløttum, K. 2011. Climate change narratives in a South-African perspective. In: Lexander, K.V. et al, Pluralité de langues, pluralité de cultures - regards sur l'Afrique et au-delà, Oslo: Novus, 43-53.
Fløttum, K., Dahl, T. 2011. Climate change discourse: scientific claims in a policy setting, Fachsprache 3-4, 205-219.
Fløttum, K. 2010. A Linguistic and Discursive View on Climate Change Discourse. La revue du GERAS, ASp 58, 19-37.
Fløttum, K., Ly, A. (Forthcoming). COP 15 et les espérances brisées au Parlement européen. In: D. Londei, S. Moirand, S. Reboul-Touré, L. Reggiani (éds): Dire l’événement : langage, mémoire, société. Paris: Presses Sorbonne nouvelle.