Internasjonale, akademiske samarbeidspartnere
Vi samarbeider universiteter i Norge, Frankrike, England, USA og Canada. Det blir tilrettelagt for utenlandsopphold for PhD og masterstudenter som ønsker det.
Rice University
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Prof. George Hirasaki, Assoc. Prof. Sibani Lisa Biswal
- Experimental Study of Foam Generation, Sweep Efficiency and Flow in a Fracture Network
- Foam injection
- Surfactants and chemical injection
- Screening surfactants for CO2 field pilot test
Texas A&M University
Petroleum Engineering
Assoc. Prof. David Schechter
Stanford University
Department of Energy Resources Engineering
- Modeling foam displacement in fractures
- Visualization of Pore-level Displacement Mechanisms During CO2 Injection and EOR Processes
- Pore-level displacement mechansims visualized in micro-models
Pennsylvania State University
Energy and Mineral Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Zuleima T. Karpyn, Assoc. Prof. Phillip M. Halleck
Imperial College London
Department of Earth Science & Engineering
- Pore-Scale Simulation of NMR Response in Carbonates
- Comparison of residual oil cluster size distribution, morphology and saturation in oil-wet and water-wet sandstone
Kansas University
Tertiary Oil Recovery Project (TORP)
Reza Barati and Jenn-Tai Liang
New Mexico Tech
Petroleum Recovery Research Center
Randall S. Seright, Jill Buckely
- Gel Dehydration by Spontaneous Imbibition of Brine from Aged Polymer Gel
- Crude oil analysis
- polymer gel injection
- mobilty control
University of New Brunswick,
MRI Research Centre
University of Wyoming
Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute
Prof. Norman R. Morrow, Prof. Geoffrey Mason
- Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Estimated From a Single Spontaneous Imbibition Test
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the development of fronts during spontaneous imbibition
- Spontaneous counter-current imbibition outwards from a hemi-spherical depression
- Oil Production by Spontaneous Imbibition from Sandstone and Chalk Cylindrical Cores with Two Ends Open
University of Bordeaux