Scandinavian Studies in Rhetoric
Boken inneholder 18 artikler tidligere publisert i Rhetorica Scandinavica, oversatt til engelsk for første gang.

Rhetorica Scandinavica has functioned to a great extent as a sower of academic seeds. As the journal has grown, rhetoric courses and programmes have multiplied across Scandinavia. The journal is one of the major sources of native-language literature in the field, articles frequently find a place on curricula. Thus, Rhetorica Scandinavica has had a significant impact
on the study of rhetoric in the Scandinavian countries.
The articles in this book are just a few highlights from 13 years – a total of over 225 peer-reviewed articles – of Rhetorica Scandinavica publications. They have been chosen to introduce some aspects of the study of rhetoric as it is performed in Scandinavia to a readership that is un - familiar with the three Scandinavian languages.
Jens E. Kjeldsen er professor ved Institutt for informasjons- og medievitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen.
Scandinavian Studies in Rhetoric - Sverige - 2012 -ISBN 978-91-86093-09-9 - Jens E. Kjeldsen & Jan Grue (red.) - Retorikförlaget