Institutt for fremmedspråk
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Between Myth and Reality

"The Founding of the CCP: History and Myth" ved Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, University of Vienna.

Chinese poster from 1973
«Reverently looking up to the site of the first national congress of the Chinese Communist Party», Designer Jin Ming (金铭), 1973, Landsberger collection, courtesy of International Institute of Social History


Velkommen til det første foredraget i serien Centenary of the Chinese Communist Party dette semesteret: The Founding of the CCP: History and Myth, ved Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, University of Vienna.

Since Xi Jinping took over the leadership of the CCP, he visited the site of the founding of the CCP in Shanghai several times, and on 1 July 2021, the whole country celebrated the founding of the CCP 100 years ago. However, from historical sources, we know that the party was not founded in Shanghai, and it is also clear that 1 July was not the exact day of its founding. This presentation will try to reconstruct the historical events leading to the founding of the CCP and discuss why the CCP sticks to narrating a foundational myth that clearly contradicts what historical sources tell us.

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