Debating Official History
"Inner-party disputes over the historiography of the People‘s Republic of China" ved Anja Blanke, Zeppelin University.

Velkommen til en ny forelesning i serien Centenary of the Chinese Communist Party denne høsten: Inner-party disputes over the historiography of the People’s Republic of China ved Anja Blanke, Zeppelin University.
The lecture focuses on post-1976 inner-party debates and disputes on the "historical mistakes" by the CCP. Since Mao Zedong’s death in 1976, the CCP is struggling to find a consensus, not only within the society, but also within the party. Although the 1981 "Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China" has set the official parameters for the historiography, this approach was not sufficient to prevent alternative views on the CCP’s past appearing from inner party circles on a long-term basis. The lecture shows that the official narratives of the past were even attacked by a number of former high-ranking party officials like Li Rui 李锐 and Li Shenzhi 李慎之 who contributed to a critical approach in dealing with the "historical mistakes" by the CCP since the 1990s.
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