Den Nordiske Forskerskolen for Utdanningsforskning

The use of theory within educational research

PhD course: Theoretical positioning in a doctoral thesis

New PhDs standing in front of university
Universitetet i Bergen FLICKR


The main course goal is to focus on the overarching theoretical approach in the doctoral thesis that ties the theoretical suppositions and issues discussed in the individual articles together. Throughout the course the Phd-candidates will develop their understanding of different types of theories and how the candidates can discuss relevant theory and research literature in more detail in the synopsis than in the individual articles (albeit in a way that is justified in the light of the articles).

The use of theory within educational research:

  • Theoretical positioning in a doctoral thesis
  • Theory in different educational research designs
  • How to explain the mechanisms in theory with relevance to the target group/field?
  • Examples of how to compare and contrast different theories or perspectives in light of your synopsis and the papers
  • Examples of theoretical scientific articles within educational research
  • "Grand theories" versus "Home ground" theories within educational research
  • Theory as part of the overall Theoretical framework in the articles and in the synopsis