Institutt for politikk og forvaltning

Ph.d.-profil: Winnifred Jelier

Education inspectorates in Europe during the pandemic: role, responsibilities, resilience, and research impact.


Education oversight: what is it and how is it organized?

In my PhD research project, I look at education oversight from different political-administrative angles. Education oversight is a core part of education quality assurance. Well-known oversight activities are information gathering and behavior modification.

The first part of the project consists of a comparative cross-national case study, including Norway, England and The Netherlands. In this study, a historical-institutionalist approach is used to clarify how the education oversight systems in these countries came about. In the following parts, attention shifts to the professional discretion of individual employees as well as the autonomy of the Norwegian regional state offices which oversee education quality in public schools.'

The general aims of the PhD project are to contribute to the understanding of education oversight systems and to discuss aspects of the institutional arrangements in Norway.

Supervisors: prof. dr. Kari Tove Elvbakken and prof. dr. Svein Michelsen.

Research group: Knowledge, politics, and organization.