Globale helseprioriteringer


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Finse Seminar 2017

The annual Finse Seminar will take place May 4th and 5th.



Every year the Global Health Priorities Research Group heads towards the mountain for a two-day seminar on ethics and priority setting. This year we are pleased to be accompanied by professor Richard Cookson and reaserch fellow Andrew Mirelman from the Unviersity of York, and a group of global health reserachers from the Norwegian Insitute of Public Health. Also joining is philosopher and post.doc Giovanni de Grandis from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

In addition to updates and work in progress from many researchers and PhD candidates, this seminar will feature a workshop on const-effectiveness, and more specificly the trade off between equity and cost-effectiveness. As every year, there will also be a social program, including skiing at the beautiful Hardangervidda National Park.

The Seminar Agenda is available here.
