Bergen International Student Conference 2019
The second edition of the Bergen International Student Conference will take place in Bergen March 28-29, 2019 on the theme “Towards sustainable futures: Facing global challenges today”.

Towards sustainable futures: Facing global challenges today
Resource depletion, overconsumption and climate change, poverty and rising inequalities are just some of the challenges that societies around the world are currently facing. Achieving a sustainable future call for urgent transformations at everly level of society, and the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. Sustainable development requires collaboration and knowledge-sharing that crosses disciplines and borders. We therefore invite bachelor and master students from all academic disciplines to participate in the second Bergen International Student Conference.
Thursday March 28
08.30 Registration and morning coffee
09.00 Opening
09.20 Keynote: Karen Richardsen Moberg
'Who's responsibility is it to save the planet?'
09.40 Parallel sessions:
1) Urban transformations
2) Participation and development
11.00 Workshop "Sustainable futures: Responsibilities"
11.40 LUNCH
12.40 Parallel sessions:
3) Reduce, reuse, recyle
4) Developing sustainability
14.00 Coffeebreak with snacks
14.30 Workshop "30 day challenge"
15.30 Concluding words
18.00 Guided tour at Bryggen
19.00 Dinner at Kvarteret
Friday March 29
09.00 Registration and morning coffee
09.30 Opening
09.40 Keynote: Jan Reinert Karlsen
'What is the problem that interdisciplinary education is the solution to?'
10.00 Parallell sessions:
5) Food and agriculture
6) Research, culture and ethics
11.20 LUNCH
12.15 Parallell sessions:
7) Technology and resources
8) Perception and human agency
13.35 Coffee break & snack
14.00 Workshop with CEMUS
15.00 Wrapping-up debate
15.45 Concluding words