Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) is led from the Faculty of Social Sciences. The centre's goal is to produce actionable knowledge that can inform policy and practice about how to achieve rapid, just and deep transformation of society to mitigate climate change.
Fra naturkrise til løsninger - Norges vei mot naturavtalen (seminar 3)
UiB Læringsarena, 1. etg. Nygårdsgaten 5
Hybrid (CET - Rio 4.17, Christies gt 18, 4.etg)
CET Lunsj: Å forutse energiomstillinger der både teknologi og politikk betyr noe (Seminar)
Statsraaden Bar & Reception, Bradbenken 2
Surviving the late night oxygen drops in coral reefs – insights from 6 months in French Polynesia (Arrangement)