Director of Capacity Development and Modeling at Millenium Institute
Matteo Pedercini has a Master's and a Phd in System Dynamics and is currently working as a Director of Capacity Development and Modeling at Millenium Institute in Washington D.C.
What was your background when you started studying system dynamics?
I had the equivalent of a master degree in business and economics, and work experience in developing countries
Why did you choose to study System Dynamics?
I was studying SD on my own, passionate about the topic and its possible application to development issues, but in Italy there was no formal educational program on SD.
What are your fondest memories from the time you spent studying System Dynamics at UiB?
Academically: working in groups with fellow students to develop interactive learning environments
Socially: the days I met my wife and begun to hang out together.
What was the topic for you Master Thesis
Put it simple, application of SD to development issues.
Where are you working today?
Currently I am Director of Capacity Development and Modeling at Millennium Institute, Washington D.C., where I coordinate and support a team of modelers working on national planning models for countries around the world.
How has your education been relevant for you in your working life?
SD skills are very central to my work, and the education received in Bergen formed the foundations for my modeling and analytical capabilities.
Would you recommend others to take a degree in System Dynamics? And if yes, why?
Beyond the practical modeling skills, SD provides a lens through which one can observe reality and understand better what happens around her/him.