Nyhetsarkiv for Nettverk for digitale narrativ
We are busy planning the Digital Narrative Network conference on 21st and 22nd November with an exhibition in the same week at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design. The conference will feature a keynote from N. Katherine Hayles, other special guests, and presentations of research from multiple faculties at UiB.
We are busy planning the Digital Narrative Network conference on 21st and 22nd November with an exhibition in the same week at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, featuring a keynote from N. Katherine Hayles and other special guests, alongside presentations of research from multiple faculties at UiB.
Hartmut Koenitz presented his lecture: 'Representation of Complexity – Interactive Digital Narratives Enabling Discourse for the 21st Century' organised by the Digital Narrative Network at the University of Bergen on September 12th 2019.
- september 2019 (3)
- august 2019 (3)
- juni 2019 (1)