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Bringing children

Norway is considered to be a family-friendly country where the welfare politics makes it easier for couples and single-parents to combine work and family life


We acknowledge the fact that during relocation to Bergen the welfare of the family is of great concern for an international researcher.
Traveling with children raises the question regarding what school or kindergarten you should choose. You can find some information regarding school and kindergartens here to help the process. 

School Admission

For admission to public primary and secondary school, you should contact the school directly. Basically, the rule for childen in primary school age is that they attend the school closes to their home. 

Pupils in primary/lower secondary school and upper secondary school are entitled to special tuition in the Norwegian language, tuition in their mother tongue and/or bilingual tuition in school subjects if they do not have sufficient Norwegian skills to follow ordinary tuition. Read more about Norwegian language tuition here. (Bergen kommune.no)

Children may also receive this training through;

a) parents or guardians who take responsibility for the training under municipal supervision.      

b) admission to a private elementary school approved by the Ministry for Private School Act.

Change of Public School

Pupils may move to another school than their local school when there is a good  reason for this. In most municipalities, it is common that such applications will be met as long as there is an open spot at the requested school.


Public Schools

A list of public schools in Bergen

Private Schools in Bergen: 


General Information:

Ministry of Education and Research: The Norwegian Education System

New in Norway: The school system



UiB kindergarten

Fagertun kindergarten is run by the Student Welfare Organisation (Sammen), but is owned by the University of Bergen. This day-care centre has 53 places allocated for the university staff.

To be eligible for one of the university's places,  one of the child's parents or guardians must be employed in (or about to start in) a 75% or higher position at the university or a partner research centre, board, etc. The person must have the university as their daily place of work. All else being equal, priority will be given to children of female senior research fellows and post-doctoral research fellows.

The kindergartens Oppigard, Nerigard, Bortigard, Fantoft gård, Jekteviken and Blokksberg are owned and operated by Sammen. These are primarily intended for children of students who pay the semester fee to Sammen; senior research fellows and employees at the academic institutions and Sammen have second priority.

Bergen kommune kindergarten

Has application deadline 1. March. Here you can find a list of public and private kindergartens in Bergen.

Read more about Bergen kommune and kindergartens here (bergenkommune.no)