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Eastern Europe A-Changing

30 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall

How is 20th century history treated in Russia and Germany today? Both countries played a vital part in world history and lived through catastrophic changes in the last century. In this seminar, we will focus on the culture and politics of the recent Russian and German historical trajectories.



Where is the historical politics and official memory culture of Russia and Germany headed today? How is the cultural sphere responding to the treatment of historical memory? The two countries share many parallels, but also diverge in how they have chosen to deal with the past.

The seminar will be conducted in English and Swedish, and consists of two key notes by Ekaterina Makhotina (English) og Frank Thomas Grub (Swedish), as well as a panel discussion between the keynote speakers and Martin PaulsenIngunn Lunde, Kåre Johan Mjør og Birger Soheim (English).


10.00: Introducton

10.05–10.50: Ekaterina Makhotina: Promise of the Past: Politics of History and Memory Cultures in Post-Soviet Russia

11.00–11.45: Frank Thomas Grub: Litteratur och minne: 'Die Wende', Tysklands återförening och författarna tretti år efter murens fall (Swedish)

11.45–12.30: Break

12.30–13.30: Panel discussion between Ekaterina Makhotina, Frank Thomas Grub, Ingunn Lunde, Kåre Johan Mjør and Birger Soheim. Moderator: Martin Paulsen

The event will be conducted in English and Swedish.

Free entrance