Forskningsgruppen for porøse medier


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MPSA-W method in the MRST core release

The Matlab Resevoir Simulation Toolbox MRST now provides the MPSA-W method for discretizing geomechanics.


We are happy to announce that the MPSA-W method for poro-mechanics has been fully implemented in the MRST core, and is thus compatible with MRST functionality such as multiphase flow and automatic differentiation capabilities. Existing simulations for porous media with a static rock can be easily turned into a poromechanical simulation with just a few simple extra lines of code.

The newest MRST release including the MPSA-W method can be downloaded here: https://www.sintef.no/projectweb/mrst/download/

Working examples for some compositional or black-oil simulations are described here: https://bitbucket.org/mrst/mpsaw

For a tutorial on MPFA and MPSA methods, check out the soon-to-be-published preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.01990