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The Svalex course

The Svalex course was run from 2001 to 2014. The geophysics group has been an active contributor to this course.


Student course (geophysics, geology and petroleum engineering) at Svalbard for 90 students from Norwegian universities each year from 2001 to 2014. The geophysics group’s main contribution consisted of actively including the students in acquisition of full-scale multi-channel seismic (3 km streamer, tuned air-gun array). The data analysis has since 2011 resulted in one PhD (seismic interpretation) and 13 master theses (seismic processing and interpretation). The main outcome has been to expose most of Norway’s best geoscience students to full scale seismic acquisition for more than 10 years, providing the non-geophysical students with a broad overview of geophysical data opportunities and pitfalls. GEO has received UiBs teaching award ‘Ugleprisen’ for the project. The data acquisition was funded by Statoil (Equinor) and the PhD position by the NPD. Total UoB funding after 2011: about 6 mill kr.