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EU Research Funding

Interregional Cooperation Programme

Interreg is an EU programme that supports cross-border cooperation to promote regional development, knowledge exchange and sustainable economic growth. It has a budget of € 8 billion for the period 2021-2027.

Interreg illustraion
European Union


As part of the EU's Cohesion Policy, Interreg promotes regional development, cohesion, and the reduction of economic disparities. The programme has four main strands: cross-border, transnational, interregional, and outermost regions cooperation. INTERREG supports a wide range of projects, including pilot actions, networks, platforms, and policy learning initiatives. It contributes to implementing the EU's primary priorities, such as the European Green Deal, the Digital Agenda, and the Social Pillar.

Who is it for?

INTERREG is open to organizations from many different sectors, including:

  • Universities
  • Research institutes
  • Public Administration
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific programme and call for proposals.

Applicants must form a partnership with at least two organizations from different countries or regions within the programme area.

What discipline is it aimed at?

INTERREG encompasses a broad array of disciplines and topics, such as:

  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Political Science
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Medicine

The disciplines and thematic focus may differ depending on the specific programme and call for proposals. Examples of Interregs thematic objectives include:

  • Strengthening Research, Technological Development, and Innovation
  • Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs
  • Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy
  • Protecting the Environment
  • Promoting resource efficiency.

How to apply

The application process may vary depending on the specific programme and call for proposals. Generally, applicants need to submit a project proposal online through the Interreg web portal. Selection criteria encompass aspects like:

  • Relevance to programme priorities and objectives
  • The quality of the partnership and management structure
  • Expected results and impacts
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Sustainability

Selection criteria are made apparent in each call for proposals, and deadlines for submitting project proposals are announced on programme websites.

Check out open calls here
And the official UiB guide to EU application here

Financing Level

Interreg cofinances projects with a maximum of 80% to be provided by the EU.

For questions contact your local advisor or the Research and Innovation Department (FIA)