Forskargruppa POTENT – Post-Truth English Teaching


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Information about TELL

This page provides information about our work under the name TELL (Text-based English Language Learning). The research group TELL changed its name and focus in November 2023.


TELL aims at providing research-based knowledge about written and multimodal texts used in the teaching and learning of English as L2.

In addition to internal meetings and workshops, the research group arranges open guest lectures and seminars with research presentations and discussions.


Diamantopoulou, S., & Christidou, D. (2018). Children’s eye views of an archaeological site: A multimodal social semiotic approach to children’s drawings. Whitehead, G.D., Petrov, J., Saunderson, H.(Eds), A Child's Eye View of Museums: Remembering Elee Kirk. Museums and Society Special Issue 16 (3), 334-351.

Diamantopoulou, S., & Christidou, D. (2016). The Choreography of the Museum Experience: Visitors’ Designs for LearningThe International Journal of Arts Education, 11 (3), 1-13.

Heggernes, S. L. (under review). Does the text matter? A review of the use of texts to foster intercultural competence in the ELT classroom.

Hoff, H. E. (2018). Intercultural competence. In A.-B. Fenner & A.S. Skulstad (Eds.), Teaching English in the 21st century: Central issues in English didactics (pp. 67-89). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Hoff, H. E. (2017). Fostering the “intercultural reader”? An empirical study of socio-cultural approaches to EFL literature. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-22.

Hoff, H. E. (2016). From “intercultural speaker” to “intercultural reader”: A proposal to reconceptualise intercultural communicative competence through a focus on literary reading. In F. Dervin & Z. Gross (Eds.), Intercultural competence in education: Alternative approaches for different times (pp. 51-71). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hoff, H. E. (2014). A critical discussion of Byram’s model of intercultural communicative competence in the light of Bildung theories. Intercultural Education25 (6), 508-518.

Hoff, H. E. (2013). “Self” and “Other” in meaningful interaction: Using fiction to develop intercultural competence in the English classroom. Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis(2), 27-50.

Lund, R. (2011). Presentasjonen av ‘fremmede land og folk’ i engelskbøker for ungdomstrinnet. En studie av lærebøker i engelsk fra 1889 til 1974. I Skjelbred, Dagrun & Bente Aamotsbakken (red). Norsk Lærebokhistorie - en kultur- og danningshistorie III. Oslo: Novus forlag, 241-264.

Lund, R. (2010). Teaching a world language for local contexts. The case of Namibian textbooks for the teaching of English. IARTEM  E-Journal, Vol. 3. Nr. 1, 57-71. http://biriwa.com/iartem/ejournal/volume3.1/Lund_paper_IARTEM_eJournal_Vol3_No1.pdf

Lund, R. & K. Zoughby (2008). English Language Textbooks in Norway and Palestine. I Horsley, Mike & Jim McCall (red). Conference Volume from the Ninth International IARTEM Conference, 203-211. https://iartemblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/9thiartemconferencevolume.pdf

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2019). ‘Reading as Designing: A multimodal approach to literary texts’. Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics. Multimodality in Education. Vol.5-1.  (http://punctum.gr) 

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2016). ‘Multimodality in Literature: A study of W.G. Sebald’s novels’. Literary Studies. Vol. 129, pp. 35-44. School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Tokyo.

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2010). ‘A Study of Media Transfer in D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers: From written texts to multimodal texts’. Literary Studies. Vol.112, pp. 168-193. School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Tokyo.

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2009). ‘A Stylistic Analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go: Use of Transitivity, Modality and Speech Presentation in Relation to Characterization’. Literary Studies. Vol. 107, pp. 108-134. School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Tokyo.

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2007). ‘Visual Translation of Literary Texts: A Case of Hemingway’s Cat in the Rain’. Literary Studies. Vol. 103, pp. 162-182. School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Tokyo.

Oyama-Mercer, R. (2004). ‘A Multimodal Analysis of Children’s Picture books: The Functional Load of Visual Image and Language’. Speech, Writing and Context: Interdisciplinary Perspective. Kansai University of Foreign Studies Publication. pp. 122-132. Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka.

Skulstad, A. S. (forthcoming) Communicative writing skills. In T. Burner, C. Carlsen & K. Kverndokken (Eds.) 101 Ways to work with communicative skills: English teaching in primary and secondary school. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Skulstad, A.S. (forthcoming) PhD revisited: Established and Emerging Business Genres: Genre Analyses of Corporate Annual Reports and Corporate Environmental Reports. In L. Brevik & U. Rindal (Eds.) English didactics in Norway - 30 years of doctoral research. Universitetsforlaget ISBN 9788215030746.

Fenner, A-B. & Skulstad, A.S. (2018) (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics. Fagbokforlaget (ISBN 978-82-4502239-1) 384 p.

Skulstad, A.S. (2018) Communicative competence. In A-B. Fenner & A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 43-66).  Fagbokforlaget ISBN 978-82-4502239-1.

Skulstad, A.S. (2018) Developing oral skills. In A-B. Fenner & A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 117-137).  Fagbokforlaget ISBN 978-82-4502239-1.

Skulstad, A.S. (2018) Multimodality. In A-B. Fenner & A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 257-280). Fagbokforlaget ISBN 978-82-4502239-1.

Skulstad, A.S. (2018) Teaching writing. In A-B. Fenner & A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 139-162). Fagbokforlaget ISBN 978-82-4502239-1.

Ørevik, S. (2019). Mapping the text culture of the subject of English: Genres and text types in national exams and published learning materials. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Bergen.

Ørevik, S. (2018). Reading and literacy. In A.-B. Fenner and A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 93-116). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Ørevik, S. (2018). Digital technology in the English classroom. In A.-B. Fenner and A. S. Skulstad (Eds.) Teaching English in the 21st Century: Central Issues in English Didactics (pp. 237-256). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Ørevik, S. (2015). From book to screen: Changing genre patterns and communicative purposes. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 10(2), 102-120.

Ørevik, S. (2012). From 'essay' to 'personal text': The role of genre in Norwegian EFL exam papers 1996-2011. Acta Didactica, 6(1).