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Open meeting with leaders and experts from the UN's Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Learn about the work they do and hear about their new assessment on invasive alien species and their work on biodiversity, water, food, and health.

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Reidar Elven, Artsdatabanken/ IPBES/UiB


The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) are meeting in Bergen in December, with attendees from the majority of the 144 national representatives.

This provides a unique opportunity to have a conversation with IPBES to learn about the important work of IPBES and explore different roles and ways academia, NGOs and other stakeholders in Bergen could take part in the science-policy interface at local, national, and global levels.

The University of Bergen and the Norwegian climate foundation (Klimastiftelsen) are delighted to invite to an open meeting to learn about IPBES and its work, connect with likeminded people and explore different ways to (further) engage with IPBES.  

Programme 7 December  

TimeAgenda itemSpeakers
08.30Coffee and teaMeet and greet 

Benedicte Carlsen, Vice Rector, University of Bergen
David Obura, IPBES Chair
Anne Larigauderie, IPBES Executive Secretary

09:10What is IPBES, and why is it important?

David Obura and Anne Larigauderie

09:30Key findings of The Invasive Alien Species Assessment and insights into the IPBES assessment process

Co-chairs of IPBES assessments: 
Helen Roy (IAS) Pamela Mcelwee and Paula Harrison (Nexus), Karen O'Brien (Transformative Change)


How to engage with and contribute to the work of IPBES?
Future opportunities to engage with IPBES.

David Obura and Anne Larigauderie

10:00Continue the conversation over food and drinks in the foajéNetworking
10:30Event ends 

Practical information

The meeting will be held in English. Questions and input to the speakers will be forwarded via the "Mentimeter" service in the meeting.

Kindly register here to attend the meeting. A light meal will be served.