Comparing fault seal predictions with dynamic data and emerging fault seal methodology
This Master's project was designed for Håvard O. Rinde who started the Master's program in Earth Sciences, UiB, in the spring semester 2024. The Master's project is given by the research group Geodynamics and basin studies.
Project description
Fault seal workflows have been used unchanged for a long time for determining number of wells and well placements in field development or predicting remaining reserves in late life field production. We are however still struggling trusting the predictions, and lately the old methods are being questioned (Müller et al. in press) and new methods have been suggested. The theses will address fault seal predictions from multiple algorithms and benchmark it against dynamic information like contact information, tracer, water chemistry and responses between injection and production.

Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS)
GEOV360 (10sp), GEOV361 (10sp), Geosoftware (5sp)
GEOV251 (10sp), GEOV264 (5sp), GEOV361 (10sp), SDG207 (10sp)
External data
Data will be provided by Equinor